5 Of My Tried-And-Tested Methods To Make The Best Of Lockdown!

Here I am sharing the five tiny things that you can incorporate into your daily life to feel better during the lockdown period.

Here I am sharing the five tiny things that you can incorporate into your daily life to feel better during the lockdown period.

I know a plethora of videos, Instagram or Facebook posts have been posted that suggest what to do during this lockdown period.

Plus, it is not necessary that all of the suggestions will excite you equally.

Some may not find it interesting, while some may simply think it’s not worth giving it a try.

I am one of the them, who can’t do things which don’t excite me. Even if I start doing so, I might not follow them eventually.

But strangely, I have experienced that the following 5 things have not only to help me make the most of this lockdown time but also helped me evolve into an upgraded version of me.

So here I am sharing the five tiny things that you can incorporate into your daily life to feel what I have feeling lately.

P.S the list is all exclusive and you won’t find it anywhere on the web!

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The 2-minute write up

Now here I don’t mean you should grab a book and write down gratitude statements, affirmations or a to-do list.

Well, of course, you could do so if you want to give it a try. It would do more good to you than anything else.

The 2-minute write up that I am referring here is, that you just write one good sentence to yourself in this book. Don’t overthink, don’t glamourise and don’t sympathise. Just write one sentence, any time of the day to yourself. Write as if you are checking on a friend of yours.

Self-talking is often considered insane, but by my experience, it is also essential as it is a subset of self-care. Introspection, what they say.

If you don’t want to talk to yourself, then how can you expect others to pay heed to you?

The mirror time

This time is all about observing your unique beauty.

Whether you have all the time or you are going crazy because of the entire family at home, would you not like to have a glance at yourself?

It won’t take much time, I promise, just after you have brushed your teeth and washed your face, don’t rush out of the bathroom. Stay in front of the mirror, have a good look at you.

I know some of you are going to focus more on the overgrown eyebrows, upper lips, wrinkles, pigmentation or pimples and so on. But know this, it is your face, own it with all the imperfections that it has. Try to search the real you and then admire it with all your heart.

You are this one beautiful woman who deserves all the love and affection, but first, the affection should come from your within.

Trading the head massage

I have had a lovely time doing this.

With all of the household tasks that have to be done by home members, you could trade each task for a head massage.

For instance, if you have done the jhadu-pocha, ask for a good head massage from your mom in return and do the vice-versa for her.

What I have heard from my friends, who have tried this is, it yields the best results when done with the boyfriends and husbands.

Practice bed yoga

for the lazy lumps like me, doing home exercise, yoga, Zumba at home is alright for the initial days, but gradually, the excitement does wear out.

So how about doing bed yoga?

All you need to do is, learn a few yoga asanas that you can do right before you get up in the morning and before you go to sleep at night, is it not easy? Come on now, what more can you ask for?

Learning one new thing every day

Learning one new thing every day has given me great sense of achievement. I started with learning new recipes, then gradually jumped to learning best-out-of-waste crafts, then to learning a new programming language.

I would insist that if nothing from the above list inspires you, please do try this. It would not only help you boost productivity but also keep you satisfied even in such distressful times.

Those of us who are under lockdown and are not required to go out daily, are truly blessed. All of us should make the most of it, in any way that is possible.

Do let me know how you found my personalised list and also if you found it worth practising.

Image via Unsplash

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About the Author

Sainy Banerjee Pal

As a Singapore based Senior Software Engineer, published co-author and a freelance writer, who loves to write about women, wellbeing and technology. read more...

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