As I Had Seen You: A Mother’s Day Tribute

A poem expressing love and admiration towards her mother and realisation what her mother means to her.

A poem expressing love and admiration towards her mother and realisation what her mother means to her.

It was Papa’s birthday the other day.

With a surge of emotion, I pinned

that black and white family photograph of ours,
And you stole the show.
My friends exclaimed you were
gorgeous, elegant, graceful,
that it felt like a scene in celluloid
from the yesteryears!
I realized they were so right.
Yet, why did it take me all these years
to notice such a pretty sight?
Cuddled up and snuggled in your arms
while you sang me that lullaby,
I might have been mesmerized
by you, the angel who guarded me,
keeping me safe
in the cocoon of your warm embrace.
My memory betrays,
though I believe.
Like all little ones who proudly announce,
“My mom looks the best!”
I too must have said so
Moving far ahead,
leaving that playground of childhood innocence
behind me, in some forgotten soil,
not once did I pause
to think you were beautiful,
for an image emerged
and never ceased to fade.
You stood before me
as an emblem not of beauty,
but as someone sailing
through the calm and storm
with equal ease.
I saw a pillar of courage,
our strength, our anchor
bathing us in the rays of maternal affection,
wiping our tears with that soothing touch.
Our teacher you were who taught us
the gospel of forgiveness,
that the pearls of affection bind us tight,
that Lord Ganesh the remover of obstacles protects us all,
that we should never lose faith
even when we stumble and fall.
How could I have ever discovered your beauty,
when amid your varied roles
I had never seen you giving those minutes
to yourself,
to wrap yourself up in those expensive silks,
to deck your hair with those fragrant blooms,
or adorn yourself with gold, diamonds, and pearls?
For you have always been that selfless giver,
showering your love and holding us all.
I had looked beyond your skin, your tresses, your smile, your eyes.
Because that inner forte, your invisible beauty
ethereal and pristine, had transcended all.

Image Source: Pexels


About the Author

Rashmi Bora Das

Rashmi Bora Das is a freelance writer settled in the suburbs of Atlanta. She has a master’s degree in English from India, and a second master’s in Public Administration from the University of read more...

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