Psychological Effects Of Lockdown

Lockdown and these uncertain social and economic scenarios are starting to have negetive effects on mental stability and well being.

Lockdown and these uncertain social and economic scenarios are starting to have negative effects on mental stability and well being.

When in crisis, people like to be in company of people who they can rely on for their safety and comfort.

We all know the current epidemic in the world has resulted in a total imbalanced life related to the economic conditions but it has also taken a massive toll on mental peace as well.

The people who made their living by going out were completely dismayed by the existing situation and people who were in their fifties and plus lived in complete isolation even though they were with their families, as their kids were busy with their jobs and others with online classes.

They have started developing sickness from living in self isolation as in country like India, we believe that freedom of expression is our birth right. The irony is that even though we have been living together but still are miles apart.

Hopefully the lockdown 4.0 will have a better impact in our minds and after almost losing many other things, we gonna definitely defeat it.

Thank you!

Image Credit: Pixabay

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