Let’s Learn Some Love And Kindness From Our Kids

An act of Love and Kindness is always cherished, and no one better than our little ones can understand this. 

An act of Love and Kindness is always cherished, and no one better than our little ones can understand this. 

My darling daughter came back today afternoon from her grandparents’ place with all smiles. Well, that’s how she usually comes back, but today she was a bit extra happy.

The moment I opened the door, she chirped ” Amma, I want to make a Congratulations Card for Aryan Bhaiya, and I need your help.”

For a moment, I was like, Who is Aryan Bhaiya?

She could somehow read my mind and continued in her shrill voice,” Arey, Kradant bhaiya’s Anna. His results are out.”

Oh My! Now I understood what she was trying to say. So it wasn’t The Times Now, Republic TV, FB posts or even In shorts app but my 5-year-old, who broke the news about the CBSE 10th results.

” I want to make a special card for him.” She broke my reverie.

“Sia, I understand your excitement, but he is quite big to be your friend, Why make a card? Just convey your good wishes.”

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I tried to brush the topic aside for two reasons

Firstly, I was drained out after a day-long work and wanted to relax a bit. Somehow I was not in a mood to sit with her to make a card. Secondly, I was still flummoxed to see my daughter celebrating the success of an acquaintance.

I started heading towards the bedroom, but she didn’t budge, she blocked my way and pleaded, “Help me to write and later you can relax. I promise I won’t disturb you!”

Now, I couldn’t resist myself from asking the reason behind her excitement. “Give me a good reason Sia, why should we?” I towered over her with my hands on my waist.

And believe me, I was dumbfounded by what I received as my reply!

“Amma, Aryan Bhaiya has never refused to share his basketball with me. Whenever I have asked him to share his ball, he has and has always agreed to play with me. So, today when he is happy, I want to make him extra happy.”

An act of Love and Kindness is always cherished

I was not expecting this level of Gyan from my 5-year-old daughter!

Immediately, without wasting a second we sat down and made a card for him. She patiently wrote one word at a time sincerely, cautiously and legibly.

After we wrote the message, she sweetly said, “Amma, go and take some rest, drawing part I’ll manage.”

My big girl!, I thought to myself while walking towards the bedroom.

Kids are emotional. They are so sensitive and observant of the surrounding and behaviour of people towards them. Their feelings are deeper than how we perceive them.

And it’s true, isn’t it? Don’t we all still remember the teachers, aunts/ uncles or cousins who were kind and lovable during our growing up years? We always have a special place in our hearts for them.

It’s indeed a fact, An act of Love and Kindness is always cherished, reciprocated and never goes in vain.

The world of adults has so much to learn from the pristine world of kids.

Actually, Hum bhi kabhi bacche the, man ke sacche the, hain na!. 

Please note: That’s my daughter’s handwriting. I just helped her with the spellings.

First published here.


About the Author

Vijeta Harishankar

Finance professional,an avid blogger. I write to keep the child in me happy and contented. Contributing author of the poetry anthology Nyctophilia.Children's book Airavata and The Femme of Animal Kingdom. read more...

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