Precautions to Fight off Coronavirus

With combined effort and the right precautions, we could fight off coronavirus. Here's How!

With combined effort and the right precautions, we could fight off coronavirus. Here’s How!

What is coronavirus?

Coronavirus is a respiratory virus that spreads primarily through droplets of saliva or discharge from the nose when an infected person coughs or sneezes. A newly discovered pathogen, it has spread in little time infecting and killing millions.

Precautions to avoid infection

To counter the virus that has rendered our lives stagnant, we must follow a set of precautions. Social distancing, or a space of at least 6 feet between two people must become a norm.

We need to be conscious of others around us who may be sneezing, coughing or have a fever. We must sanitize our hands or wash them on a timely basis. Remember, that washing our hands is more effective. We must also refrain from touching our face too often.

We must leave our houses only in the case emergency or essential activities. While we may not be used to regularly covering our nose and mouth, wearing a mask must become our new normal.

Fighting fake news

Along with our surroundings, we must also be conscious of the information that is being thrown at us from all different directions. In time of panic, misinformation is common. We must only rely on trusted sources.

There have been claims that eating certain foods, living in certain weather, bathing with water of a certain temperature can help us avoid the virus. However, none of these claims have proper backing. We must adhere to the guidelines that medical professionals have offered.

While these are unprecedented times, caution and patience will get us through.

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Image Source: Adam Niesciork



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