In Our ‘Modern Society,’ Do My Accomplishments Mean Nothing If I Don’t Have A Husband?

We talk about money but not about the rights. We talk about wearing western clothes but can't talk about women's bodily needs.

We talk about money but not about the rights. We talk about wearing western clothes but can’t talk about women’s bodily needs.

Why is it that no matter what I have achieved in life, my end goal is considered to be marriage?

And why do all my accomplishments fall short before my accomplishing the marital status? incomplete

Why does all my money and my assets stop being important if I don’t have a husband asset yet?

How does my gender decide things for me?

And why does my smart brain cease to be valued if I dare to raise my voice and speak my mind against the problems in and with marriages?

How come all the thoughts and talks about my equality become immaterial the day I actually pinpoint flaws in my better half?

And how is it that while I am always asked to support fellow women, it isn’t applicable to helping them out of their troubled married life? Simply because that would mean provoking them in the wrong way!

How does my gender decide whether I abuse or drink when we know it is bad for the society in general and discourage it?

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Why do we ask little girls to ‘adjust’?

Why do we worship and celebrate our goddesses who defeated evil demons while asking our girls to bear the atrocities and adjust in peace?

And why do we feed little girls during Navratri and shower them with gifts but men are allowed to hurl abuses in their name and defame them all the other times?

How am I called disrespectful for not listening to my parents’ marriage advice when I support them both morally and financially all my life?

Aren’t we all hypocrites?

Yes, this is how comfortable we are with being hypocrites. Living a double-faced life with our heads held high, we focus on minting money while quashing millions of dreams and lives each passing day.

Being this so-called ‘modern’ society, we talk about money but not about the rights. We talk about wearing western clothes but can’t talk about women’s bodily needs. While we praise our neighbours on their big, fat weddings, we don’t question the life within the marriage or offer any help.

Does all this ring a bell or two? Well, it is high time we at least made an attempt to becoming truly modern and uncovering our masks to step into reality. After all, how long will we live this double-faced life of a proud Indian who doesn’t understand the true meaning of freedom but will hoist the flag with pride every year?

Picture credits: Still from Bollywood movie Piku

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About the Author

Mansi arora

Marketeer by profession, a dreamer yet a realist. If some one has to raise a voice to bring about a change, it has to be you. read more...

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