The Spice Called “UNCERTAINITY”

It all starts with the birth of a baby (or with the birth of humanity and each life)/ The clause of Uncertainty begins.

It all starts with the birth of a baby (or with the birth of humanity and each life)

The clause of Uncertainty begins.

The spice called “UNCERTAINITY”

The most dreaded yet the most unconventional one

No one can avoid it or abhor it

It is present in each life

Some embrace it with open arms

Others strive to shut it with clinking sound of their metal doors

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It all starts with the birth of a baby (or with the birth of humanity and each life)

The clause of Uncertainty begins

The family living each day in uncertainty as they are awaiting the arrival of the new born.

Will it be a “boy” or  a “girl”

Finally with a baited breath, the entire family welcomes  the baby into the world

How will we handle the baby? We (FAMILY- A joint family setup- the baby belongs to the entire family)

Each moment is filled with laughter, as if the best gift has fallen in the lap of the family

Looking forward each day to meet the SUN of the family

Take a 30 mins nap, the baby starts cooing, rolling, turning around


With the increased activity of the child, managing work/ household work is also like corporate work, home, self health, priorities- becomes a daunting task also a cherished time (YOU CAN MULTITASK – SUPERPOWERS FUNCTIONAL MODE)


Another 30 mins nap, the baby is big now and almost 4 years old


How will he or she manage in school?

Will he or she forge lifelong connections (friendships)?

Will he or she eat properly?

Family fretting and fuming each day.

With the capsule of UNCERTAINITY, family either chooses the pill of negativity or  pop the pill of POSITIVITY

Each pill has a cost of maintenance

Pill of negativity- many gossip mongers by your side

Pill of POSITIVITY – sometimes is alone but in the end has lot many supporters and admirers.

Another nap of 30 mins

Teenage Years are Here

Oh No! The family proclaims we ourselves dealt with adolescents with so much of confusion

How will our baby go through?

Wrapped in dark clouds of uncertainty

Sometimes family turns finicky

Following teenagers

Keeping a track on their every move

Only to realize that the bonds of trust have been impaired


Either take the pill of FIGHT AND FLIGHT


Being your child’s enemy in the most uncertain teenager years where his or her growth is taking place (mentally, physically, emotionally) can leave a blot in his or her life for times to come

Being his or her best friend and making his or her comfortable that we all go through this phase of confusion, we all have different feelings- which is okay and most importantly saying that we as a FAMILY are always there for you.


We are PROUD of You

You can meet your friends but just keep us in loop

Choose the pill for UNCERTAIN TIMES with wisdom and care

Nap of 30 mins, the child has grown into an adult

Earning well

Receiving accolades

Married with children

30 mins nap again

The biggest uncertainty “the world hit by PANDEMIC”

UNCERTAINITY will be there at every step

At that moment, do we succumb to it or take decisive steps to find inner strength

Avoiding UNCERTAINITY isn’t in our hands

But ” making time to create GOOD” is in our hands- Good causes reaps good effects

Being stuck in muddy pond or rising above to touch the sky by following the golden word called “TRY”

Today again I will TRY

Today again I will find reasons to APPRECIATE

Today again I will bring smile on my and my loved ones faces

Will I be a grumbler or  a peacemaker?

Will I think of just self or think of self and others?

Will I take onus of my life or blame my family ?

Will I rise up or find reasons to fall?

UNCERTAINITY is something we cannot escape!

But we can escape from inner darkness

By choosing our ATTITUDE each day

Bring the shift within and see the effect outside

You live once, spread your RAINBOW with goodness, love, care, respect, help, learning

Enrich your life with learning, learning, learning with a spirit to share and spread good….

Image source: Pixabay

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About the Author

niharika bhatnagar

An elementary educator who strives to add " happiness quotient" in the lives Trying out new things to add color to each day "flavorsome" Reading and writing brings solace Its kind of THERAPY Teaching and learning read more...

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