Facing A Heartbreak? Here Are Some Steps To Help You Get Through It!

Heartbreaks are without doubt, painful but it is possible to deal with it and rise strongly from the experience.

Heartbreaks are without doubt, painful but it is possible to deal with it and rise strongly from the experience.

A broken heart is a fragile thing. It is as painful as a broken ankle albeit others can’t see the intensity of pain. But sadly, there is no quick fix for a broken heart and for it to heal. Just like how a broken ankle needs time to heal, you also need to give your heart time to heal.

It’s difficult to accept that someone who was a part of your life is no longer there. The void is evident. Your mind keeps bouncing back to the happy memories you shared together and tries to pull you down. So, is it really difficult to deal with a heartbreak? Well, it all depends on how it has sunk in and how ready you are to move on. Here are few steps on how you can deal with a heartbreak.

Accept the breakup

This is the first and foremost step towards accepting a break up. The earlier you accept it, the easier it will be for you to move on. But the question is: are you really ready to move on?

If you keep going back to their memories every now and then, it will be difficult to move on. You have to accept the fact that, that part of life is over. They are not coming back. Only then, a proper closure is possible. If it seems difficult to accept this fact, write down what you feel on a piece of paper or draft it on your notepad and then delete it. It might seem childish but it really works, similar to what Geet did in Jab We Met. You need to flush out the person from your memories.

Chop down the sentimentalism

Once you have accepted the fact that they are no longer going to be part of your life, which may take days or even weeks, you need to be heartless and ruthless. No matter how many times your mind diverts towards them and urges you to check their social media profiles, avoid doing it. You will just cringe on seeing them happy with someone else and it will worsen your pain. Block them on every social media platform so that they don’t haunt you every now and then with their posts.

Divert yourself 

Human mind is like a monkey. It keeps doing things we don’t want it to. No matter how much you try to keep yourself busy, it will keep reminding you of them. The moment you feel you are diving deep into their thoughts, keep yourself busy. Either read, listen to music, play some game or go for a run. Just try to divert yourself from their thoughts. Initially, this might be difficult but as you learn the art of keeping yourself busy, you won’t go back to those memories.

Develop a new hobby or passion

The key is to keep yourself busy so that you don’t again and again go back to their social media and checking their photos. Start your once-forgotten hobby. It could be dancing, painting, reading or anything that makes you happy. The more you are busy, the less you will think of them. This will lift up your mood as well and distract you.

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Remind yourself that you are surrounded by your loved ones

Just because one person rejected you doesn’t mean that nobody loves you. Remind yourself that you have a loving and caring family and a set of friends who care for you more than the person who has hurt you. Surround yourself with positive people who make you laugh. Cut all the negativity around you. If you have been in a relationship before, remind yourself how you were able to get over the person. If you have done it previously, it won’t be difficult to do so now.

Most importantly, keep reminding yourself that you have a beautiful life ahead. You are getting stronger day by day. The pain might vanish in few days but the hollowness might haunt you for few more days or even weeks. Remember: stay strong, be happy, engross yourself in some hobby and most importantly, give the heart the time it needs to heal. Don’t ever rush into another relationship to overcome the pain of the previous one. It might just act as a rebound. You just need to hang in there. This too shall pass. Stay strong and believe in yourself.

Image source: Still from Dear Zindagi

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dietitian Nilofar

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