The Unbearable Weight Of Raising Children In Digital India

2020 exposed how overloaded women are! Overnight, education had turned digital. We were suddenly dealing with worksheets, username passwords, zoom IDs, and whatnot for the sake of our children!

2020 saw for the first time how loaded women are with work and responsibilities! And how the entire onus of raising children and taking care of kids’ education rests on women’s shoulders.

Overnight, education had turned digital. We were suddenly dealing with worksheets, username passwords, zoom IDs, and whatnot!

However, one ugly side of Indian parenting is the disregard of Indian fathers toward children’s education. Often it is perceived that education and childcare be taken care of by women while the men go hunting to earn a living.

Why is a child’s education only a mother’s responsibility?

With women having been relegated to domestic chores only and many having quit their careers, what Indian schools and WhatsApp groups were staring at was — nearly 50% of women not knowing how to handle digital passwords. Files and online homework!

Already burdened with having to cook all meals and the added onus of pulling off the duties that were done by maids, many women were left clueless about how to tackle digital education! What ensued was utter chaos and losing track of 2 years worth of education!

Often men tackle fee reduction issues and operational issues in school groups whereas women share an entire load of incomplete classwork, assignments, homework, syllabus tracking, and examinations for kids.

Working mothers often have to take leave for their kid’s examination!

Even in homes with double-income salaries, we often see moms take a day off from work to tackle kids’ examinations, adding undue pressure on a working mother that is already tackling corporate stress and domestic chores.

What this ends in —  is overburdened women, chewing more than they should — laden with severe stress with no me-time left to pursue other interests!

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May the real men please stand up —  the ones who call themselves feminist fathers!

How  fathers can help their kids:

  • Track everyday homework if the mother is busy
  • Help kids in getting printouts, research, etc
  • Keep track of the mental health of the kids
  • Handhold children like a mother would do and not state “Study by yourself” or plonk kids in front of the TV and term it parenting!
  • Support teachers and principals in education and be an equal partners in education!

Please share the load in the WhatsApp groups in sharing notes, tracking assignments, and submissions. That is when education becomes real, and you realize how much of time and effort goes into raising a child!

Image source: Leung Cho Pan and grapix, free and edited on CanvaPro

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