Open Letter To Rishi & Dimple — You May Be Mismatched But You Made Us Believe In Love Again!

Every time Dimple and you crossed paths, my heart skipped a beat seeing both of your pensive eyes which clearly exhibited the unsaid feelings of both your hearts.

Dear Dimple and Rishi,

The day I saw both of you together onscreen for the first time—I always wished to witness both of you together as lovers because some couples radiate a holistic vibe that enlivens each and every soul around them. Both of you are like those blooming flowers of spring who can fill one’s dreary heart with sunshine of hope, making them feel content in their times of despair.

Binaries shape life, in those tough times when both of you were separated by the walls of misunderstandings, circumstantial adversities I still adored the hope that lurked deep down in both of your hearts to mend your relationship. Every time Dimple and you crossed paths, my heart skipped a beat seeing both of your pensive eyes which clearly exhibited the unsaid feelings of both your hearts.

*Spoilers Alert*

I was glad when you both found Harsh and Sanskriti, I know both of you would have gone haywire if both of them hadn’t been there for you both. Being an unrequited lover myself, I could resonate with Harsh and Sanskriti’s excruciating pain to let go off the person they loved but my grief was overshadowed by the happiness of seeing both of you back together again.

As Aditi from Yeh Jawani Hai Diwani once said, “Kuch logon ke saath sirf waqt beetaney se sab theek ho jata” (Just spending time with some people makes things better for you) and I guess the same goes for Rishi and you Dimple. It was only after your reunion with Rishi that you could finally discover the truth behind your app. The epiphany was shocking and the betrayal from your friend torn you asunder yet you had Rishi who made everything easier for you with his presence.

Even though both of you were mismatched, you two were a perfect match for each other, both of you are just like two unlike poles who attracted each other that I hope will never repel. A nerdy ambitious geek and an old school hopeless romantic fell in love with each other making us (who once gave up on love) believe in love again. I know not what future will unfold for both of you, but I just know that together both of you are invincible.

It feels surreal when I suddenly recall that everything started from splashing coffee on Rishi’s face, later Rishi doing the same and ended on a hot air balloon date making love in each other’s arms.

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It’s been said “What’s meant to be yours will always find it’s way” and we all know Rishi and you Dimple were meant to be together ever since we got to know the Shrikhand story that tied both of you together since childhood. There will be hurdles, dilemmas, you both may be subjected to crossroads of life yet I can only implore both of you to never let the love and faith both of you have for each other fade away. Remember what you both have is precious not only for both of you but for us who treasure this love story and both of your individual journeys.

~ someone who wishes everlasting togetherness for both of you ~

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Srilekha Mitra

An overthinking cinephile who occasionally seeks refuge in poetry. Words are her antidote on bad days. read more...

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