5 Months After Acid Attack By Uncle, Another Teen Girl Dies!

A 14-year-old girl from Nellore succumbed to her injuries, five months after her uncle tried to rape her, and attacked with acid and a knife.

A 14-year-old girl from Nellore succumbed to her injuries five months after her uncle attacked her with acid and a knife. This unfortunate news comes after a brave, lengthy battle fought by the girl and her parents. It is a humbling reminder of the reality for women and young girls in India.

We are as unsafe with our family as we are with complete strangers, and often times, more so.

Acid attack on girl by maternal uncle

In September 2022, the uncle, a close relative of the family, entered the house after the girl’s parents had left for work with an intent to steal money and jewellery. Neighbours claimed that he had been making similar rounds in the past 10 days. The victim had taken a sick leave from school and happened to be at home on the day of the intended robbery.

The uncle, reportedly in a drunken state, tried to rape her, but the girl bravely defended herself. Enraged by her resistance, the 31-year-old attacked her with acid and slit her throat, stole ₹4000 cash and gold ornaments from the house and then left, assuming his niece to be dead.

However, upon regaining consciousness, the girl sought help from neighbours, who immediately contacted her father.

Hospitalized for 5 months

The victim was undergoing treatment in a private hospital in Nellore and was later shifted to a private hospital in Chennai for special treatment.

The state government took cognizance of the grievous event and granted Rs 5 lakh to family members of the victim to bear medical costs. While this was a good initiative, it seemed to be too little, too late.

The accused was also taken into police custody within a few hours after the incident was reported and was booked under as many relevant charges, but these measures were remedial as well. Especially from the perspective of the little 9th standard girl who had already sustained the trauma of sexual abuse as well as the acid and knife attack that could have lasted a lifetime if she hadn’t lost her life.

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It must be considered how many aspects count when considering the degree of trauma inflicted by a perpetrator.

Are women and young girls safe at home?

It has been reported that 50% of child abuse instances are perpetrated by persons known to the child or in a position of trust and responsibility.

This means that change needs to start at home. By cutting off the many, countless, aggressive male relatives who are allowed to be part of family gatherings.

In front of whom, girls who are instructed to cover up, ignore sexist and uncomfortable remarks. Relatives who touch us without our consent or force us to do something we’d rather not.

Cut off ties with the predator relative

No blood tie is more important than a child, and cutting off a relative who could possibly harm our child is better than cutting off a relative that has. For all Indian girls that have been forced to put up with family members who do not respect our boundaries, it is important to remember that our gut instincts exist to protect us.

For the parents, I would encourage all those reading to believe your children and to believe your instincts when it comes to a relative. The law is essential to curb predatory behaviour and there are many governmental and non-governmental organizations and helplines that combat women and child sexual abuse but us as a society first, we need to discourage and shut out persons, family or not, to protect our families.

Image source: VioNet Via Getty Images, Free and Edited On CanvaPro

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About the Author

Ria Tirkey

I am Ria from New Delhi. I'm a student of political science and law and I have a lot to say apparently. read more...

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