Musings Of A Girl

I believed that the Princess locked up in the tower will be eventually rescued, the dragon slain, the Prince on the white horse, who stands for everything that is fair and good and wholesome

I used to once believe

That there’s a point to all things

That there are the evil, and the fair

And that the dragons need to be slain

Alas, all grown-up now,

I understand

That the dragons reside in ourselves

And even then, we need to be fair

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The dots rarely join,

And though there’s little to be gained,

I still believe in the fairy tale…

As usual, I had been brought up in a family which believes in values, polite conversations and a belief in oneself and others. Furthermore, I accepted readily the need to be accepted, and the attributes that are necessary for establishing oneself in society.

Princesses stay locked in the towers, don’t they?

In short, I believed that the Princess locked up in the tower will be eventually rescued, the dragon slain, the Prince on the white horse, who stands for everything fair and good and wholesome, would come for her, and they would live happily ever after.

But when I grew up, as painstaking as the process was, I found all the princes had little charm to recommend them, and lots of insecurities, some even more than mine. And more importantly, all the dragons and their mothers roamed about, with little fear of being slain!

Could I survive?

In short, the basic question was, could I survive in a world that has no fairy tales?

The answers that the universe sent me, were simpler and very logical, the little mice and forest animals were indeed the Princes, Charming and otherwise, and the forest was the answer. The problems were not the dragons, but the Princess herself, who was a commoner like any other.

And so, the world indeed has fairy tales, lots of them, and the commoner is a Belle who reads books, overlooking all hunky people nearby, and needs to be brave enough to love herself, and the Beast.

Image source: CanvaPro

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