The sky is the only limit for you

We all know that India reached a new milestone on July 14, 2023, after Indian Space Research Organisation ( ISRO) successfully launched Chandrayaan-3 at 2.35 PM IST from  Sriharikota’s Satish Dhawan Space Centre.

Not to mention this is definitely a big step taken by India in the field of space research and exploration. A moment of great pride and joy for us all.

A successful landing would make India the fourth country after America, Russia, and China to achieve the feat.

Ritu Karidhal Srivastava one of the senior scientists at ISRO is the name under whose leadership the country was able to witness this historic moment.

After the successful takeoff of the Mangalyaan Mission, she added another feather to her cap by being the face behind the Chandayaan -3. Ritu Kharidal trending as a  rocket woman of India nowadays has become the talk of the nation.

Born and brought up in Lucknow an ISRO scientist she did her bachelor’s and masters’s in physics from the University of Lucknow. She further joined IISc Bangalore to pursue her master’s in aerospace engineering.

She was a Deputy Operations Director for India’s Mars orbital mission, Mangalyaan.

Self-motivation was the only resort for this girl who grew up in a middle-class family. Her interest encompassed from gazing at the night sky for hours to thinking about the moon and stars and how it changes their shape and sizes. Her curiosity to know more about outer space and what lay behind the dark space made her collect newspaper cuttings and keep track of ongoing activities at Space Organizations ISRO and NASA.

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To calm her curiosity and pursue her passion she linked herself with physics and attained her degree in physics and aerospace engineering from the University of Lucknow and IISC Bangalore respectively.

She has been awarded many awards and accolades like the young scientist Award and many more. A big round of applause to this BHARAT KI BETI.

She is an inspiration to all of them who underestimate the power and potential of a woman, and who question their capability and strength.

Time and again they have proved If they can be soft-hearted, gentle, and vulnerable, they can also be strong, confident, and independent.

If they can run a house, be multitasking, and manage everything single-handedly, they can also become an entrepreneur, own a company, become a world leader and make their way to Forbes’s top 50 women.

If they can make a home a heaven with her love and dedication, they are very much capable of bringing disharmony and imbalance through their apathy and ignorance.

They possess unlimited mental strength and are the powerhouse of resilience and tenacity.

They can do everything from raising children to flying an airplane.

Women from every facet of life are inspiring us in ways we may have never expected. Ritu Karidhal is certainly one among them.

She is an inspiration to those women who give up and believe that their world is confined inside the four walls of the house,

who think that thriving and succeeding in a male-dominated society is unattainable or like climbing a mountain.


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