Makeup artists are painting our beautiful dusk faces white

Women go to beauty parlors on their wedding and reception days to get their make up done by professionals. The makeup is done by professionally trained men and women.  Today many of these are shown via videos. It is nice that these professionally trained men, especially women, are getting an opportunity to showcase their talent and also advertise their business via the popular social media. I applaud and appreciate their hard work.

I am still shocked at their work. I would watch these videos and like their posts. Upon further glance, I realized that they are painting the women’s faces. These women have beautiful and dusk skin colour that radiates their inner shine. These are everyday women that wish to look glamorous on their wedding day. It is a dream come true for many a women. For many women sadly it is a day they step on their journey to fulfill the squashing of their dreams and be a woman or a caretaker to the man and his family.

Coming back to these videos, the woman’s face is cleaned and moisturized. Then comes to the horrible part. A brush is used and the woman’s face is painted literally white or fair toned. One can forget the dusk colour. The colour is now fair. Layers and layers of makeup is applied till the woman becomes a fair-skinned woman. The transformation is just appalling. This procedure happens in every single video. The woman and her relatives are smiling.

Why will you change a woman’s natural skin colour? Our society still applauds fair skinned women. The dusk skinned tone woman is still looked down upon and pushed to the background. There is a joke circulating around that the married man after the wedding comes back to the beauty parlour and claims he is shocked to see his wife the next day without makeup. It maybe a joke but to me this can be a painful reality to the woman who is only praised for being fair skinned. I had once confirmed to this painting of the face and regret it. Today I am happy that on my wedding day I was still showing my dark skin which makes me shine as bright as a star. My reception day had me tortured to this face painting which was conducted over a course of 3 hours. One could see the white face and the dark arms on my body. I am so ashamed of myself.

I respect the make-up artists but when are we going to stop painting everyone’s faces white? Please let us embrace our natural beauty. It brings upon low self confidence to the woman who realizes that being dark skinned is something the society looks down upon. Indians are mostly dark skinned and we should be proud of it. Why doesn’t the man or the groom paint his face society? Why does our society support this double standards?

I am proud to be a dark skinned woman.


About the Author

Anindita Nag

I love to write on women's issues. I strongly believe that every woman is capable of being more than just a homemaker. They are the leaders of our world. They can multi-task more read more...

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