Lack Of Support Leads To Suicide In Indian Women

Incidents of suicides are on the rise among women. What can be done to curb this disturbing trend?

TW: Mention of suicide, depression, and mental health issues. 

A couple, who got married four months ago, died by suicide one after the other in Chennai. The woman aged 24 mentioned in her letter that she could no longer live with him. When the husband returned home from work, he noticed his dead wife and hanged himself. He was 29.

Incidents of suicide on the rise for women

A teenage girl in Hyderabad hanged herself after her boyfriend took his life for the reason their families did not approve of their relationship.

Irrespective of the marital status, suicide has now become the only solution for what may be the problem.
A recent study conducted by the department of psychiatry at Stanley Medical College, Chennai reveals that almost half of the women admitted to the hospital after attempting suicide between October 2021 and March 2022 were under 25. Marital or interpersonal conflict was cited as the top reason.

Reasons for suicide and depression are embedded in society’s apathy for women

It is clear that most of these women do have psychological issues, which would only increase as time goes on if not treated. But they cannot be treated, why?

In today’s world, it is a fact that women are under pressure and have to face many challenges. Anxiety, depression, and adjustment disorders have become a common occurrence. The reality is, that there is not much understanding that these are medical conditions that need to be treated.

What would the society say?

If she is unmarried, “You aren’t even married, and you want to visit the psychiatrist? If the groom’s family comes to know about this? Who would even marry you?”

If she is married, “Did we make you our daughter-in-law for you to bring shame to our family? How can you behave this way? Haven’t your parents taught you to adjust and live?”

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Ultimately, the pressure is bound to keep mounting. While some may understand that they are having psychological issues, in many cases, women may not be aware of the symptoms. They only suffer without realizing what they are going through.

Having suicidal tendencies in mind significantly indicates the seriousness of the problems they are facing.

Role of family and friends

Family and friends can help?

It is natural that women do not disclose their opinions to the family, but a high chance for them to talk to their close friends. Some may feel better after sharing their problems, not necessary they do not need to arrive at a solution.

When we notice some changes in their behaviour, it is better to talk them out in a comforting way. If ever they mention not wanting to live, or any other thoughts concerning suicidal tendencies, then it needs to be taken seriously.

Mental health awareness is the need of the hour

As much as we visit a doctor when we fall sick, the thought that it is absolutely correct to seek medical attention for emotional wellness must be spread.

When a woman visits a psychiatrist or a psychologist, she is given names by society. Women are always seen under the microscope for all their actions. Fearing this, many women push themselves back and think that the only solution is to leave this world. This is the change society requires.

It is also the responsibility of the parents to encourage their children to stay strong no matter what the problem is, whether she is married or not. Whether they feel low or not, constant encouragement and positive talking to them can prevent unnecessary thoughts from occupying their mind. The belief that they have someone to lean on can make them feel supported and, even if they feel defeated, at least suicidal thoughts can be prevented.

Challenges or failures do not mean life is over

Acceptance of failure in life is also a topic to be focused on here. As much as it is important to teach a child to accept a ‘No’, we also need to face life when there are downs. Ending life is never the answer.

Counselling, or in more serious cases, proper medical attention, is needed to enable women-whether married or single-to overcome obstacles and setbacks.

If you or anyone you know is feeling depressed or suicidal, here are some of the helplines available in India. Please call:
Aasra, Mumbai: 022-27546669
Sneha, Chennai: 044-2464 0050
Lifeline, Kolkata: 033-2474 4704
Sahai, Bangalore: 080-25497777
Roshni, Hyderabad: 040-66202000, 040-66202001
SPEAK2us, Tamil Nadu: 9375493754
Saath – 079-26305544 and 079-26300222.

Image Source: Canva Pro

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