In the New Year


In the New Year

Make no resolutions for the ‘New Year’. Yes, no new resolutions. This year I wish to live each day to the fullest. I don’t want to be limited to 365 days, sorry 366 this time. No setting off with an adrenalin rush to achieve what couldn’t be in the past so many years… then losing steam… then being burdened with guilt… followed by its sister… feeling useless and feeling like a loser.


I did a little introspection and realised I need to follow my own advice… the one I dish out to others- who care to listen to me.

For starters I need to be realistic. What do I really want?

Peace! Peace within myself and with others. Does that mean I am not going to put my foot down, when someone is taking advantage of me? Hell no! I need to stand up for myself. If I don’t then who will?

I mean, I can walk away from people and situations that don’t work for me. If I feel let down, or hurt, or upset… I don’t have to go through it again and again.

I need to remember taking care of myself is my responsibility. Family members may not like it… asking me to behave and not be irresponsible. But they are just taking care of their needs, not mine.

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My heart and mind need taking care of. If I feel anxious, I need to have a plan to put into action, to extricate myself from the tormenting situation.

If my love is not returned, I need to accept that and move on. The right person will and we will bloom together.


Being an author, I must write every day. That is a commitment to myself. So, write as often as I can, wherever and whenever.


Last but not least, walk or run, and practice yoga every day. It’s like brushing my teeth or taking a bath. Let\\\’s see how it unfurls. Hopefully, 2024 will triumph where 2023 could not.



About the Author

Anamika Kundu

Educator, author, poet, marathoner, yoga practitioner

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