The Unseen Struggles of an Elder Kid’s Journey

After an extended hiatus, I finally caught up with Jagriti today, and there was an air of palpable distress and complexity around her. Inquisitively, I probed, “What’s been going on?”

To my surprise, Jagriti unfolded a narrative of navigating through the intricate phases of life as she gracefully ages, revealing that her mind has become a reservoir of memories from bygone years.

Jagriti, from an early age, bore the weight of responsibilities that swept over her like a relentless tide. As the eldest daughter in the family, she became a pillar of strength for her siblings after her mother. Excelling academically, Jagriti, however, lacked the compass of guidance. Undeterred, she completed her MBA and set sail for Delhi to chart the course of her life. Just as she secured a job, life threw a curveball — her father suffered a stroke. A man with whom Jagriti shared an unspoken, profound connection, her father’s health became a concern. Despite her elder brother’s presence, he displayed a remarkable lack of interest in family responsibilities. He had his own set of challenges, consistently unloading them onto Jagriti. This was the juncture when her younger sisters were pursuing their education, and Jagriti, despite being younger, assumed the role of their caretaker. Jagriti devoted a staggering 15 years to her father’s service and family responsibilities, and in the midst of it, she got married and welcomed a son. Her younger sisters found their footing, with the youngest emerging as an engineer.

Amidst these transformative events, Jagriti discovered a supportive life partner who stood unwaveringly by her side at every twist and turn. Yet, despite this, she found herself ensnared. With the passage of time, Jagriti had a profound realization — while she had been the problem-solver for everyone else, she had unintentionally been left behind in the race to advance her own life. The younger sisters, having gracefully settled into their family’s post-marriage, felt they had surged ahead, struggling to grasp the intricacies of Jagriti’s unique journey.

Despite dedicating her life to fulfilling the needs of her family, she grappled with a growing sense of remorse, yearning for love and support at this crucial juncture. After weathering the tempests of life, Jagriti’s family finally found stability, but by then, each family member had become engrossed in their individual worlds.

This story unfolds as a reminder that if there are elder brothers and sisters in your family who, through their struggles, have paved the way for your journey, don’t let them fade into the background. When you find yourself capable, extend your support and help them flourish in the unique garden of their lives.

The message is clear: Embrace the unseen struggles and be there for our unsung hero.


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About the Author

Shashi Pandey

Hey there, I'm Shashi – a proud Varanasi native. Wrapped up my MBA at BHU, and now I'm rocking the HR scene by day and channeling my inner wordsmith by night. Passionate about people read more...

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