What Makes THE PILL Different from Hormone? What’s THE PILL is in India?

THE PILL is all that people wanted to know more about and the reason for the misnotion and chaos. I never wanted to know. Why? I believed that whatever tablet they are asking me to take—even paracetamol or chewing gum—I have, as a citizen of this democratic India, to file a FIR for being blackmailed and, if doped, a hurt and mischief complaint. But, when they spell the word “modus,”  this creates a stir because people are aware that they are asking to use this tablet as “THE PILL.”.

Let me make clear certain facts of “THE PILL”and the modus or “Hormone Tablets”!!!

I need to write this, and hopefully, I wish no more of this heated discussion around me to threaten abuse or the possibility of being abused, please!

“THE PILL” are the contraceptions that are also made of the same hormones called the sex hormones; they can be “THE MALE PILL or THE FEMALE PILL.”. Hence, accordingly, the pills are made of sex hormones of single type or in combination that, in dosages used, will not cause harm or alter the natural hormonal balance in the body to cause medical complications, unlike the misuse and abuse of HORMONE TABLETS that will cause serious medical complications, including death.

Let me write in this blog more about THE PILLS, as I have already written about the hormone tablet in my previous blog:

There are nearly 16 different ways of effective contraception method for a couple who do not prefer to have a baby and want to adopt. All they need to do is discuss their doubts, anxieties and needs to a good health practitioner, preferably an andrologist or a gynaecologist. This is the couple’s choice to decide with the physician and it is between the couple to decide as to who will go for the contraception. Why public or employer or a brahmin or an authority?

With the advent of technology and racing with time, stress is the buzz word. As the reproductive age spans from 15 to 49 years, adolescent maternity and late maternity are on the rise, both of which are prone to and cause an increased maternal death rate when the pregnancy is unplanned. So the Government of India has dedicated this year, April 11, to National Safe Motherhood Day, to reducing maternal deaths. While they discuss women’s reproductive rights being violated by refusing to prescribe contraception when unmarried and/or without husband, this is also the right of the women to refuse to use such “pills” for the needs of employers and peers or for any other reason, including on a married woman by her own husband without her consent, which is equivalent to marital rape.

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There are two types of THE PILL: regular monthly contraception and the emergency pill.

The Regular Monthly Contraception:

These will include the use of daily pills, which can be made of progesterone alone (POPs, progesterone patches, or lotions) or combination drugs like Mala-D. However, gone are those days, and the contemporary trend is to use spacing contraceptives as tablets (non-hormonal, Chhaya) or injectables (hormonal, injectable contraceptive, MPA). Besides, there are a number of pills that are hormones and are used as oral contraceptives to prevent pregnancy, but they come in packs that are designed for contraception. These pills, thus, will not cause overdosage as they will be administered in synchrony with the natural cycle without impacting the hormonal balance.  These pills are of three types: monophasic, biphasic, and triphasic, based on the amount of progestin and oestrogen they release in a day.

Emergency Contraception:

These are the pills that are used when regular contraception fails or unexpected and unprepared sexual intercourse has happened, which can lead to an unwanted pregnancy. There are a range of these pills available on the market, and they work to prevent pregnancy when consumed within 12 to 72 hours, the maximum, soon after the “unexpected moments.”.

How do I conclude this topic? I wonder: Is it possible that you can change your opinion after reading this for an open-minded and casual direct discussion if you want one? Is this possible if you will learn to ask me if you are curious, learn manners, and not commit crimes by misusing these kinds of pills for your doubts and gossips because someone will get a handsome chap as a probable husband? Is it possible that I imagine that Modus or THE PILL are not cultural stigma products but chemicals used only in treatment? Is it possible that I imagine that you will stop blasphemy in the name of your religion, Hinduism, to increase the market value of these products or make you answer my questions?


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