Changing surname is her choice, love not need any validation.

“I got married, I am a complete wife, so what difference does it make to change my surname? He has fully embraced me, and I have fully embraced him, so if I don’t change my surname, will the evidence be weaker, or will I be seen in a different light?

I love everything about him, even more than my own name and surname, but still, I don’t want to change it. I feel that wherever I have built my identity, be it in school, college, or at work, if I edit it to add a new surname, people will not understand or will remain doubtful. I won’t instantly connect with my new surname.

It’s just a simple matter. There is no surname for Goddess Parvati, but the world knows her only as the wife of Lord Shiva.

Similarly, whatever I write, my only desire is to maintain my identity that I am your wife.”

Keeping my surname after marriage make me no less of ur wife, the thing is i don’t want to erase what i embraced for so long.


About the Author

Nisha Mehto

Hello, I'm Nisha Mehto W/o Mr Gaurav Baithera an author with a unique blend of experiences. By profession, I'm a banker, but I also have a knack for writing and poetry, having read more...

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