Through a Traveler’s eyes

It won’t be a cliche to say that our mind broadens and we get a fresh perspective of life with the varied experiences we gather during travel. One may assume this as a leisure activity but in reality, a deep-rooted work goes on in our psyche.

I have had the privilege of traveling to most of the continents and from my personal experience, nothing can beat the well-traveled human eyes. The variety of cuisine, the myriad customs &  traditions, the different cultures & dressing sense, the climatic & landscape differences, the exposure to various languages & dialects, etc are something one starts appreciating when one goes beyond their daily territory. The interactions we have are precious for our personal growth.

My childhood dream job was anything to do at an airport, the reason being that I loved watching families travel and observing the excitement they share among themselves being spread to those near them. I would feel happy seeing the travelers just as I used to feel when I would witness my parents planning, organizing, and arranging the different aspects related to our travel usually to our hometown. I would get excited days before our due travel date and I would start my own planning with my younger brother and elder sister. Needless to say, I got attracted to any profession related to travel and finally I did land up with a job in the airline industry.

The virtues we learn with our travel are also no less. We learn to adjust, adapt and accommodate, We understand that the  basic necessities of life are more important than any extra comforts & leisure. At times we also get to experience a better lifestyle than our regular day-to-day situation. One can also get ideas on interiors, furniture and the likes in their stay at different hotels, lodges, guest houses, self-catering chalets or Air BnB. The use of different modes of transport   be it a train or a flight, a bus or a car, a bike or a scooty or any other kind of transport found in some countries like an autorickshaw or cycle rickshaw in India or a phatphati in NewDelhi can offer the traveler a unique experience. Any travel is worthwhile be it a leisure travel or a work travel. Even an emergency travel has some hidden advantages. One learns to quickly pack and book the tickets.

The perks of traveling are multitude and once we realize those, there is no looking back.


About the Author


Dear readers, I am a self-employed 47 year old simple citizen of India, currently staying in South Africa with my husband and 2 teenage daughters. Writing, reading & word puzzles are my current hobbies read more...

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