Women’s Web Is Saying Goodbye!

Dear Women’s Web Community Member,

You may have wondered at our being on the quieter side during the last couple of months. Thank you for your patience, and we wanted to come back to you with a detailed note on what’s been happening at our end of things.

When we first began Women’s Web, as a blog from one woman’s desk along with a few like-minded souls, little could we have imagined the heights that it would soar to. Over the years, Women’s Web has published over 20000 stories (almost all by women), empowered countless women with the ideas, community and resources to chase their dreams, employed hundreds of women in core and project-based roles, and in the process, emerged as the OG women’s community in India. It has also inspired many others to build communities of a similar nature, all enabling women (and other-underrepresented groups) in their own ways. 

Thank you for being with us on this beautiful and empowering journey that was Women’s Web. We could not have done it without you. 

After 14 years of being a community-led platform, we have come to a junction where we needed to pause and take stock of where we are and where each of us would like to go. While we count our successes and blessings, we as a team have decided that it is time for us to explore new avenues and challenges; we are therefore halting operations for Women’s Web and will no longer be publishing new content. 

As for the existing material on Women’s Web, it has been built through the power of this wonderful community, and we would like for each community member to be able to take their own writing and use it elsewhere, should they like to. Hence, the Women’s Web platform will be available until Aug 30 – please use these two months to take copies of any of your own content (whether published, or submitted and not yet published). Subsequently, this archive may no longer be available. 

The path of entrepreneurship is often unpredictable, and while we’ve had many wins, we’ve also faced tough challenges that have led us to where we are now – it has not been an easy decision by any means but we know that many of you will be cheering for us no matter what we do next, and we hope to stay connected.

We want to take this opportunity to thank every team member, writer, community member, partner, and customer who has been a part of our story. Your support and engagement have meant the world to us.

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Saying goodbye is tough but we hope that the connections the community made with each other and us lives on and inspires the next generation of women like it has done the last 14 years.


Aparna Vedapuri Singh and Anju Jayaram

Founding Team, Women’s Web

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦 via Unsplash


About the Author

Women's Web

Women's Web is a vibrant community for Indian women, an authentic space for us to be ourselves and talk about all things that matter to us. Follow us via the read more...

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