7 Simple Ways That Will Help You Be Happy

Our fears and failures pull us down all the time. And we always wonder 'how to be happy'? Here are 7 simple ways to be happy.

Our fears and failures pull us down all the time. And we always wonder ‘how to be happy’? Here are 7 simple ways to be happy.

There come many such times in one’s life when things and circumstances don’t seem like making sense at all. It’s very normal to feel frustrated in such circumstances. I, with my experiences in life, have learnt that life isn’t meant to make sense all the time. What you need to do at that time is just sit back, relax and let life happen to you. I, too, have faced such situations when I have felt totally lost and stuck. I did not know where I am heading towards or what I really want from life. I won’t say that things have now become crystal clear to me, but yes, I have learnt to accept that everything won’t go as planned always. However, there are many such things that would go right and you need to concentrate on those.

There are some things that have helped me stay positive at such times and I hope listing them here will will help you too.

1. Get more active physically

Most of us these days spend more time with technology and machines than with human beings. Take a break from this routine. You don’t need to spend hours working out at a gym. Just go out and get some fresh air. Go for a run or walk. Do some easy yoga exercises. Or just help with house hold work. Clean your wardrobe or cook something you like. Do anything, but just leave that computer/phone/laptop/tv for some time.

2. Read a good book

Not everybody likes to read, but everybody likes something. Read about what you like. Be it science, romance, relationships, self-help, history or a biography. There are books available on almost every subject. Buy online or go out to a book shop. Get one and finish it. It will definitely teach you something. If nothing else, at least a few new words will be added to your vocabulary.

3. Spend some time with children

There’s a child inside every grown-up. Don’t let that child in you die. Children are so full of energy and enthusiasm because they always live in the present. They don’t keep mulling over what hurt them yesterday and they don’t worry about future. They really know how to just ‘live’ the moment! Talk to children, listen to them, play with them and dance with them. It will really make you a happier person.

4. Get closer to nature

Go to that garden or park in your city you always planned to, but never did. Go there for a lazy stroll or just sit there silently. Inhale some fresh air, listen to the chirruping of birds and observe the beauty of nature. If you can’t find such place nearby, pack an overnight bag and go for a weekend trip to some place where you can find some solace.

5. Start that hobby again

You don’t have a hobby? Come on, there must be something you liked to do when you were a child. Origami? Drawing? Coloring? Making collages? Rangoli? There’s a unique sense of satisfaction in creating something all by yourself. It’s not a competition so don’t bother about the outcome. Do whatever you like and do it anyway.

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6. Get in touch with long lost best friends

We are getting closer to people online in virtual world and moving farther in real life. You have hundred of friends and followers on social networking sites, but how many do you really meet or even speak to in real? Quite a few I guess. Over last few years I learnt that real friends are really few. You may know hundreds of people, but those who really care and support can be easily counted on fingers. The ones you can call at any odd hour of the day and with whom you can share your darkest secrets. Don’t let such precious people go away just because we all are too busy making a living. Call them, fix a meeting and talk your heart out. Soon you will be thinking ‘why didn’t I do this earlier’?

7. Unleash that potential

We are capable of a lot more than we know of. Be a student for life and always keep learning something new. It could be a language, some art form, some game, or even the recipe of a foreign dish you had only heard of. Start with something small and continue. I started with getting a globe so that I can see it anytime and know more about the geographical locations of various foreign places.

I hope these tips help you in some way. Stop thinking and start doing now! The best way to start is to just get started!

Image of a lady reading via Shutterstock


About the Author

Amandeep Kaur

I love reading, writing, traveling and learning. I want to experience more and more of diverse aspects of life. read more...

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