Shadows Of Desire [Poem]

A lyrical poem about a woman's desire for her lover and his betrayal.

A lyrical poem about a  woman’s desire for her lover and his betrayal.

Surfacing at the main door

Your silhouette of the yore

Catches my ever  waiting eye

I feel both orgasmic and shy.


Dressed like a mannequin

I gustily rush to usher you in.

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The distance of just two meters

Sounds like infinite light years.


Tall, handsome and stately

You’ve been visiting me lately

Affecting me with love and lust

Suffusing me with care and trust.


The promise is of a soiree

Just between you and me

The fragrant incense

Romantic  ambience.


Room is  filled with soft muzak

On a steady  tango we embark

Familiar conversation

After initial  hesitation.


A well -appointed  dinner

Some candles shimmer

You speak of your journey

Amidst clanks of cutlery.


I listen  with a smile

We converse for awhile

You praise the smorgasbord

I say,”Thank You, my Lord.”


As usual I surrender and rest

My head in your broad chest

My soft skin rubs against your stubble husk

And my breath soaks your inimitable musk.


I bask in  warm intimacy

The night gets inebriated and lacy

Holding you tight and hard

I effortlessly  lower my guard.

There is  love like never before

Erotic and dense  like that of lore

And  I don’t know when I sleep

Oblivious that  truth  will peep.


For you are long gone

To a place unknown.

One doesn’t return from there

Except in a dreamy affair.

Cover image via Shutterstock


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