Here’s How The Ocean Put Me In Touch With Myself, Changing My Life Completely

You can get in touch with your inner self with nature. Spending time with nature can not only be relaxing, it can be inspiring, for a better life. 

You can get in touch with your inner self with nature. Spending time with nature can not only be relaxing, it can be inspiring, for a better life. 

I love the ocean. After meeting a water baby for a partner, I’ve been to the sea quite a few times and have realized that more than the apparent relaxation and freedom from the daily grind, the ocean has so much to teach us.

This morning, while trying to write a poem on the ocean, I realized that subconsciously I’m indebted to it for a lot of things I’ve learnt and as a result, for a lot of actions that changed my life for the better. The ocean was my advisor, the masseuse who helped me relax, and my closest confidant.

Nature has so much to offer us provided we take a break from the rat race and embrace it. These are a few things I learnt from the ocean.

Detoxification Of The Soul

Coming to the ocean, is like one giant exhale. I purge out all things toxic. My mind expands and relaxes. It is filled with more generosity and a sense of well-being.


Once, I stood in front of the ocean, with my arms spread out like a bird about to take flight. And at that moment, I could imagine myself doing things that so far been only my dream. Nothing seemed impossible anymore. I visited the ocean as a person who wanted to write. I returned as a person who wrote every single day (and not merely wished she could).

Facing My Fears

Another time, I went to the ocean terrified and crying. I was afraid of a bully. Afraid that my life would be channelized according to their wish. The ocean whispered, “Look at me, the vast expanse of waves thrashing to as far as you can see. Look at the sky above, flirting with all the colors it can grab hold of. Look at this infinite beauty and think. How tiny you are. How tiny your problems are. Face them. You’ve got nothing to lose. If you want this vastness within you, you’ve got to face your demons. Don’t crouch in a corner, afraid of imaginary consequences. Face whoever or whatever is worrying you. The worst is already happening. You aren’t at peace. Things can only get better from here.”

Yes, I swear the ocean told me all this and I came back and spoke up. I said it loud and clear, “I am brave and won’t let insecurities and self-doubt rule my life. I won’t bow to unfair pressure.”  And guess what? The ocean was right. Things did get better.

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Self Love

The ocean taught me to accept myself. My body and my mind. Unconditionally. Yes, I also give a part of that credit to my awesome partner, but the ocean had a big part to play in it. I wore a bikini for the first time. I felt shy and was concerned about people judging me. The loudest of all was my inner critic mocking me. “Oh really, look at those models and look at you! You’re making a joke of yourself!” But again, guess what? The ocean taught me to not care about judgments, doubts, and negativities. I embraced myself–with all the so-called imperfections. It helped me love myself a little more.

Without changing one teeny tiny bit of your curves, it is still possible to celebrate yourself as the most beautiful creation of God. Trust me, the ocean knows!


The ocean brought us closer. Resting in a cove with the sun on our backs, my wet hair on his shoulder, the ocean taught me about togetherness. About things that actually matter.

I’m indebted to the ocean for a lot of positive transformation in my life.

Go to the ocean, climb the mountains, spend a few days in the lap of nature. Trust me; your life does take a turn for the better!

Published previously here.

Image source: woman near the ocean by Shutterstock.


About the Author

Kasturi Patra

Kasturi’s debut novel, forthcoming in early 2021, had won the novel pitch competition by Half Baked Beans Publishers. She won the Runner Up Position in the Orange Flower Awards 2021 for Short Fiction. Her read more...

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