Life Is An Adventure, But Some People Make The Journey Even More Fun!

Individual successes are more often than not a result of a rock solid partnership between two people who care for each other. Here is my story!

Individual successes are more often than not a result of a rock solid partnership between two people who care for each other. Here is my story!

The man in my life is truly different! Before you think, this is a tribute to that ‘special person’ in my life, hear me out. Little snippets from my life will convince you of this different ‘species’.

(And here’s a sweet video for you, if you too have a true partnership in your life!)

Adi & Tara do little things for each other which make their life a beautiful one. Tell us how you and your spouse support each other every day. Share your stories in the comments section below with #aBeautifulLife

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Our first movie date: I pay for the movie tickets and I pay for the food…for both of us. Surprised? Well, a feisty me was torn between the mushy emotions that made my heart flutter and my ideologies. So, before he could say anything I blurted out, “I will go on my own bike”. He replied in a very matter-of-fact manner, “Of course. We go on separate bikes”. So, we ended up having a very comfortable and absolutely non-romantic movie date. For future dates, it went without saying that either one of us could foot the tab.

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As time passed and we decided to make a life together, we were also convinced that a partnership is what will make this work. I threatened him of a dim future if he doesn’t study well and work hard towards getting a top-class job. I too remained focused on my studies, as I had always been. While I added seriousness in the relationship, he added fun. Long bike rides, bonding over coffee (after classes of courses) and enjoying the rains were all his initiatives.

Our partnership was going strong and we made it to the final innings…marriage. Married life came with its own set of challenges and we realized that life is not all rosy. Our discussions changed from college fests to office politics; from marketing class presentations to real time presentations…from planning a vacation to planning a baby…and from car insurance plans to online term plans like the Max Life Online Term Plan Plus. After watching the video together, we headed to the knowledge centre and began to explore the intricacies of the Cancer insurance plan. I have always believed it’s better to be safe than sorry.

The time in a woman’s life when she has to handle a baby, a house and a career is extremely trying. It is at this time that my husband stood by me with all my decisions. I knew that my husband would unflinchingly support me. He is the one who helped me explore the option of writing and making a career out of it. He understood very well that children would be my priority for some years now and being a writer, he helped me edit and sometimes even write when I was taking baby steps in the world of writing.

I, on the other hand, helped him on his book. So, I was the sounding board and the first editor of his book. Together, we gave many weekends for his creative musings. All those who live with creative people will understand that it is not easy.

So, I had the whole burden of financial planning on my head. But, thanks to some easy options of Systematic Investment Plans (SIPs), I could manage it well. I also got him involved at some stage of this financial planning since all of it appeared so easy.

As I sit and introspect over our lives together, I realize that over the 12 years that I have known him, our partnership is what has made us a happy family. I would like to believe that I make him feel peaceful and he makes me feel empowered.

Hubby, father, friend or bro – is there a man who’s been a true partner in your life? Comment and share!

Post supported by Max Life


About the Author

Ruchi Verma

Ruchi Verma Rajan is a woman on a mission of self-discovery. An avid reader since childhood, she grew up in the idyllic world of Enid Blyton and went on to devour the age old read more...

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