Inspiring Woman Of The Day

Koneru Humpy, Indian’s chess Grandmaster and the second highest ranked female chess player in the world.

Koneru Humpy, Indian’s chess Grandmaster and the second highest ranked female chess player in the world.

Born in 1987 in Andhra Pradesh, Humpy was smitten by chess as a toddler and under the guidance of her father, went on to win the Under 8 National Chess Championship in 1995. The rest is history and there was no looking back. She continued winning accolades in the Under 10, Under 12 and Under 14 age groups. At 15, she became the youngest woman to ever become a grandmaster.

Humpy was awarded the Arjuna Award in 2003 and the Padma Shri in 2007.

Why we find her inspiring:

– For being the perfect combination of beauty and brains

– For carving a niche for herself in a sport which has few prominent Indian women champions

– For making her country proud by her numerous awards and recognitions

– For her dedication to her passion from an early age

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*Photo credit: GoddessChess


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