This New Video On Domestic Violence Shows Us How ‘Ordinary’ This Crime Is

This new video on domestic violence, from a helpline in Bangladesh, is breaking the Internet with its poignant reminder - domestic violence could be happening to any woman around us.

This new video on domestic violence, from a helpline in Bangladesh, is breaking the Internet with its poignant reminder – domestic violence could be happening to any woman around us.

“All the violence done on women, if put in a bundle and rolled into one, then the Earth would not hold it, the sky could not enfold it, it could not be lighted and warmed up by the sun.” These impactful lines (or something like them) which I once read in a magazine very aptly bring out the plight of women in our society.

While there is constant talk everywhere about feminism, we see people taking up the cause of women’s reservations and so much more – on the other side, there is still this gruesome situation where women face sexual abuse and marital rape – not to mention deaths due to the demand for dowry even in this highly educated world. Domestic violence unfortunately, is one of the most common of such crimes, and many times, not even recognised as a crime.

The saddest part about it being, that even today, women caught in such situations do not wish to talk about it, fearing the consequences. Some women remain silent due to the fear being targeted by the society and the rejection that follows whereas others do not even have an outlet to raise their voice. Jacquelyn Campbell,Ph.D, a Professor at John Hopkins School of Nursing who works for advocacy against domestic violence aptly puts it, “The bonds of attachment that come with love will inspire you to think about all the good things instead of the bad.” Thus, by thinking of the few good times, we become trapped in a cycle of violence.

Recently, one ad that is taking on this issue, and seems to be breaking the Internet these days is this Bengali video on domestic violence made by a helpline in Bangladesh named Jui.

This video on domestic violence, worth watching, opens with a woman with beautiful long locks waiting for her turn to have a haircut. The hairdresser and women around her are confused as to why she wants to have that luscious hair of hers chopped off until she utters these words, “Cut my hair so short that no one can ever hold it tightly again.” In that moment, we are drawn to the pain in her eyes and the reason for her choice. The ad very effectively conveys a strong message in a subtle way.

The video here I think, is a wake-up call for all, be it men or women, trapped in sticky situations to muster up all the courage and seek help before it’s too late. The longer a woman stays in an abusive relationship, her self-esteem goes down, and it becomes harder and harder to leave.

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