10 Complications During Pregnancy That Can Be Life-Threatening

Complications during pregnancy are a common, but sometimes these issues can become life-threatening! Check this list out and be aware!

Pregnancy can be a golden phase of a woman’s life. However, it’s extremely important to guard yourself against certain complications during pregnancy.

Here is an extensive list of 10 such complications during pregnancy that can have immediate or even long term effects. These can be major or minor complications.

Complications during pregnancy: 1st trimester

  • Excessive Nausea and Vomiting

To feel nauseated and some sort of morning sickness is normal during the first few months of pregnancy. However, one shouldn’t just ignore it if the situation persists longer than usual. It may lead to serious weight loss, dizzy spells, and dehydration, having an adverse situation on the foetus. Refer to your doctor at once on facing these symptoms for prolonged periods.

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  • High Fever

Since your body is undergoing changes on various levels, it’s common to sometimes feel your temperature going up and down at times. But remain cautious, ladies. Fever beyond 101 Fahrenheit couple with rashes or joint pain can lead to complications in your child, causing serious infections or even deafness in extreme cases.

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  • Leg pain, Swelling or Headache

Well this is not something that everybody experiences but just a few. All these conditions of leg pain or swelling may be due to blood clots in your legs. If not taken care of timely, these could result in several such clots travelling up to the brain or the lungs and may also turn fatal.

It’s advised to call to your doctor if you see any of these signs and get yourself tested.

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Complications during pregnancy: 2nd trimester

Now, that you’ve successfully walked through the first trimester, you start understanding your body in a much better way. But now the journey is going to be full of more responsibilities. Let’s have a look at potential troubles during the second trimester.

  • Bleeding

The risk of miscarriage hovers all through 9 months of pregnancy, with its chances decreasing as your delivery date approaches. But be alert in view of any sort of bleeding happening and report the same to your gynecologist at the very first instance.

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  • Gestational Diabetes

This issue is connected to the increased nutrient requirement of both the child and mother as pregnancy progresses. The imbalance caused shoots up the glucose and blood sugar levels in your body. If you have Gestational Diabetes, it may later cause obesity and other problems in your child. Also, it might also be an indicator that you have a small chance of developing diabetes later in life.

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  • Bleeding Gums

As the size of your foetus grows, so does its need for the nutrients that it gets from your blood. This additional demand causes increased blood flow in your body. As a result, you may face blood oozing out from your gums, or for that matter even your nose. Not too dangerous, but this definitely needs your attention.

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Complications during pregnancy: 3rd trimester

With the second trimester ending, you just get so impatient and excited to hold your baby in your arms and embrace that wonderful feeling of motherhood. Nevertheless, this is the most crucial stage. One mistake here can cause you the biggest loss. As a result, I present to you the most common and important complications during the last few months of pregnancy.

  • Preterm Labour

Every small activity during these last weeks can have a direct impact on your labour. Pre-delivery can happen, have you start having contractions before 37 weeks. This may cause severe problems in the baby born as their bodies are not fully grown, especially affecting lung formation. Whenever you feel any symptoms that are like labour, or unusual, rush to your doctor immediately for timely intervention.

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  • Preeclampsia

Preeclampsia is a dangerous condition that presents as high blood pressure, swelling on hands, feet, and face, and appearance of protein in urine (murky or opaque urine) in pregnant women. This must be carefully treated as if it goes unnoticed, it may cause severely excessive bleeding both pre- and post-childbirth.

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Complications that can arise during pregnancy, throughout

  • Anaemia

One of the most commonly found symptoms throughout the 9 months of pregnancy and beyond. When your haemoglobin slips below 11 gms /dl, you are said to be anaemic and require more of iron in your body. Deficiency of Iron can directly affect formation of red blood cells in your baby and excessive blood loss at the time of delivery.

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  • Various infections

Since the body is exposed to numerous new changes during pregnancy, it becomes all the more vulnerable to bacteria and viruses, which can cause major complications ranging right from illness to dehydration to respiratory issues. For all these, we insist on regular check-up and proper guidance from your doctor.

Read more here.

Image source: Freemixer via Getty Images, free and edited on CanvaPro

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