These 10 Non-Sexual Ways To Increase Intimacy In Your Relationship Might Be Just What You Need!

When your relationship lacks intimacy, it becomes vulnerable to toxicity. Here are 10 non-sexual ways to increase intimacy and strengthen the bond between you.

When your relationship lacks intimacy, it becomes vulnerable to toxicity. Here are 10 non-sexual ways to increase intimacy and strengthen the bond between you.

Intimacy is very complex and complicated. Usually when people begin to feel disconnected from each other, the major problem is lack of intimacy. The development of intimacy in any relationship boosts the relationship or, emotions, ideas being shared and helps developing love.

It is said that intimacy is the bedrock or foundation of any relationship. Intimacy is essential to the survival of any relationship. Without intimacy, a relationship will be unhealthy and toxic. It plays a major role in maintaining a long-term relationship as we all know maintaining a long term relationship can get extremely difficult over time. You don’t need to have sex to share intimacy with your partner. There are things you can do to build up intimacy between you and your partner without involving sex, below are some of the ways:

Surprise each other

Surprise can go a long way in building your relationship. You can decide to surprise your spouse/partner with an unexpected gift, hugs and compliments. The more you surprise your spouse, the more intimate you become; more fun is embedded into your relationship and most of all; the more interesting your relationship becomes.

Go on vacations together

Vacations go a long way in clearing people’s mind of the negative energy life throws at them. The more you and your spouse go on vacations or picnics, the less negativity in your life. You can decide to take a mini vacation or go on a road trip or picnic where you get to be spoilt together. You should try to do this at least once in a month. This way you will have more time to yourselves thereby increasing intimacy in your relationship

Keep eye contact

Whenever you are talking to your partner, make sure you maintain proper eye contact. Looking into the eyes of your spouse increases the intimacy in your relationship. There is always a connection between you and your partner whenever you look into his or her eyes. Recently, a study published in the journal Cognition found out that just four minutes of eye contact made in silence was enough to facilitate an in-depth sense of intimacy among strangers by stimulating self-awareness and enhancing self-focused attention on humans.

Go on dates together

When you’re in a long-term relationship or married to someone, it’s vital to set aside time to spend together as a couple. It can be a casual lunch date or it can be the intense dinner date.

Work on physical intimacy

You can work on your physical intimacy by hugging your partner, kissing, holding hands or touching. This will release a happy hormone that will make him/her feel warm and happy.

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Be each other’s best friend

Be each other’s best friend. You have to be each other’s confidant. Let your partner be the first person to go to when you are sad or happy. Celebrate your achievements together and sort out problems together.

Go out with friends and family

It is a sign of a healthy relationship if your partner is proud of being with you. Your partner should take out time out of his busy schedule to take you along with his or her friends/family.

Have some space

This might sound crazy but you need it, you need to give your spouse some space. You have to allow him or her to miss you. By missing you he or she will be drawn closer to you. It is very important to spend some time away from each other so that you have your own personal time to miss each other. Devote your time to a weekend trip with your friends or family, so that you can relax and gain peace of mind. And when you return to each other you will have a million stories to share and a feeling to be together.

Develop your common interests

To be more intimate in a relationship, you have to do what you and your partner enjoy doing together. Create time to work on your common interests together. It might be watching a particular movie or TV programme together.

Indulge in each other’s favourite things

If your woman loves baking, join her. Let the experience of something she enjoys be something you both enjoy together. Learning with her in this way can change a lot of things in your relationship. Being in a long-term relationship means getting involved in your partner’s lives.

Communicate effectively

You have to learn how to keep a steady line of communication with your partner. Discuss issues pertinent to your relationship with your partner first, before inviting a third party to resolve your issues for you. Learn to sit your spouse down and talk about your feelings for each other; this way, intimacy is strengthened in a relationship.

Image source: pixabay

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About the Author

Rachael Pace

Rachel Pace is a relationship expert with years of experience in training and helping couples. She has helped countless individuals and organizations around the world, offering effective and efficient solutions for healthy and successful relationships. read more...

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