Let Her Be Her

#Poetry. A girl can do everything anyone else can, and it is we who tell her what she cannot do, as she grows up. Let her be her, and let her grow up unfettered.

#Poetry. A girl can do everything anyone else can, and it is we who tell her what she cannot do, as she grows up. Let her be her, and let her grow up unfettered.

When you see a girl who’s just so small,
Don’t you tell her she’s too short or tall.
Don’t preach her on how she needs to walk,
Or sit or laugh or stand or talk.

Teach her there are bigger things to be done,
Life’s much more than just having fun.
She is no damsel one needs to save,
She’s her own knight, and just as brave.

She can open her own doors, & drive her own car,
If the focus’ on her goals, she’ll go so far.
For she is as smart as anyone else,
She is one of a kind, she’s like no one else.

She’s born to be an Earhart, a Kom, or a Chanel,
Or a Curie, a Williams, or an Austen.
A Yousafzai or Keller will do just fine,
Teach her to value the gift called mind.

Teach her to fail, teach her to fall,
For she’s not some synthetic doll.
Teach her to be a warrior, a rebel with a crown,
Most important, teach her not to pull her own kind down.

Like Angelou had asked, you ask her this:
“O Girl, O Woman, What can’t you do?”
If only you are true to yourself,
You are You.

Image source: pixabay

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About the Author

Dr. Saumya Goyal

In no particular order she is a mental health evangelist, founder of www.weqip.com - a mental health platform, publisher of WE MAG - A digital bimonthly magazine on emotional wellness, a mother, a daughter, a read more...

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