How To Start Composting

How to start composting, is a question for many of us with a rising interest in urban gardening and living a more environmentally friendly life.

How to start composting, is a question for many of us with a rising interest in urban gardening and living a more environmentally friendly life. 

Vani Murthy from Bangalore is among this growing tribe of urban gardeners, and an involved ‘ordinary citizen’ who has motivated the residents of her community to practice better waste management.

Many of us do want to do our bit for the environment by reducing waste, and composting is an excellent way to do that, by using the readily accessible kitchen waste and turning it into compost. Yet, we hesitate because of many doubts and misconceptions. Isn’t composting a lot of hard work? Doesn’t it stink? Do I really have enough material to start my own compost pile?

In this 6 minute video from the chaiwithlakshmi show, Vani Murthy gives a demonstration of how easy it is to start making compost from your kitchen waste, and answers many of the common doubts people have.

Hope you enjoyed watching that and may your garden grow greener than ever!


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