Guest Blogger

Guest Bloggers are those who want to share their ideas/experiences, but do not have a profile here. Write to us at [email protected] if you have a special situation (for e.g. want anonymity).

Voice of Guest Blogger

Laapataa Ladies
Kiran Rao’s Latest Film Laapataa Ladies Is A Must Watch Gem In Theatres Now

14 years after her last feature film Dhobi Ghat, storyteller extraordinaire comes up with her new film, Laapataa Ladies, a must watch.

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Dear Ex, A Quiet Thank You For Who You Were, For The Moments We Shared…

Though we walk different paths, know that a part of me will always hold a special place for the memories we shared.

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Today I Can Thank You For Breaking Up With Me Before Things Got Out Of Hand…

No, I wasn’t in love. The day you chose was the killer move. Unprepared that all the gifts and chocolates and movie date was set up to end our little secret soiree by you.

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11 Women Speak Of How Women Make Powerful Leaders For Many Reasons

How are women as leaders? The saying goes ‘Empowered Women Empower Women’. But in current times, it should be ‘Empowered Women Empower ALL.

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women's leadership at work
9 Women On How Women’s Leadership At Work Makes All The Difference!

Historically, leadership roles were often reserved for men. However, women have always excelled in making important decisions,

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Vijaya Sinha scientist
I Didn’t Let Personal Losses Stop Me After Retiring As A Space Scientist, And I’m Still Active At 79!

There was so much loss and pain over the past decade since my retirement, but I did not let that stop me from living an active, fulfilling life.

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Rediscovering My Self-Confidence: My Experience with Cerynë’s Intimate Care Cream

Menopause is a transformative experience and comes with its own challenges like Vaginal Dryness that causes erosion of confidence. Is there an effective solution?

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Divorce is normal
I’m Sorry My Marriage Happened, But Not That I Am Divorced!

The taboo around a topic only keeps intensifying as the silence around it thickens, as well as the misconceptions. Let's talk about divorce.

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30 Best Raksha Bandhan Gift Ideas That Your Sibling Will Love!

Celebrate the bond of love and protection with these 30 Raksha Bandhan gift ideas, and honour the sacred relationship between siblings.

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How Can Workplace Friendships Thrive Or Have Depth In This Age Of Social Media?

In this era of connecting on social media and chatting on WhatsApp, for someone who already struggles with opening up, it's extremely difficult to form significant bonds.

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What Are The Benefits Of Sabja Seeds, a.k.a. Basil Seeds?
What Are The Benefits Of Sabja Seeds, a.k.a. Basil Seeds?

What are the benefits of sabja seeds? Also known as basil seeds or tukmaria, offer a plethora of health advantages that will astonish you.

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She Married An Older Man With A 12 Yr Age Gap To Escape Her Regressive Community…

In her community, she was scared of expectations imposed on educated women, who were still expected to conform to traditional gender roles, confined to the kitchen and denied the opportunity to pursue a career.

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What Are The Benefits And Side Effects Of Chia Seeds?
What Are The Benefits And Side Effects Of Chia Seeds?

Are you wondering what are the benefits and side effects of chia seeds? In this article, we have it all covered for you!

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6 Best Finance YouTube Channels Hosted By Indian Women

Here are 6 best finance YouTube channels hosted by Indian women, that will help you kick-start your investment and budgeting journey today!

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30 Best Business Ideas For Women In India

Do you want to start your own venture? Here are 30 best business ideas for women in India who want to start their entrepreneurial journey.

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I Lied To My Mom, That My Vibrator Was A Neck Massager!
I Lied To My Mom, That My Vibrator Was A Neck Massager!

When I bought my first vibrator and showed it to my girl pals, the first question I received in the group — "What if your parents find out?"

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I Was Threatened By My Profs When I Came Out On Campus And Started A Queer Collective

If you are queer, then you are threatened on a daily basis that you cannot come and open up, you cannot dress in a way you want to, you cannot express yourself the way you want to

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Our Sexuality Shouldn't Dictate Who We Nominate In Insurance
Sexuality Shouldn’t Dictate Who We Nominate In Our Insurance

My journey of coming out at work began when I sought to enrol my partner in the health insurance policy and got support from my employers!

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Who Should File ITR: Income Tax Return? A Complete Guide
Who Should File ITR: Income Tax Return? A Complete Guide

Do you want to understand what is ITR: Income Tax Return, and who is eligible to file ITR in India? Here is a complete guide to help you!

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When Keeping Things DISTANT Means All Is Well Between The MIL And DIL!

As relationships become distant it is convenient to keep them so. Gradually you stop sharing small details which sound unimportant, and not worth sharing on the late night phone call after all work is done.

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Earrings For Women: 5 Styles Every Woman Should Have In Her Collection
Earrings For Women: 5 Styles Every Woman Should Have In Her Collection

Looking for an extensive range of earrings for women? Here are 5 styles of earrings for women: that you should in your jewellery collection!

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Why Is A Woman Told To Suck It Up And Smile Despite Abuse?

She kept trying to fix her ma's depression for the lack of a boy child from a young age. Only to give up 'control' to her boyfriend - the 'man' in her life to emotionally manipulate her in the name of love.

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Surekha Yadav Is Asia's First Woman Loco Pilot
Surekha Yadav Is Asia’s First Woman Loco Pilot

How did Surekha Yadav become Asia's First Woman Loco Pilot? Find out everything in this exclusive interview!

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Daughters Will Certainly Get Their Due Soon… In A Future Just On The Horizon!

My MIL must be pleased with the image her family is presenting in the minds of her relatives - her fair DIL, and her grandson standing by her side. I, the wheatish DIL with two daughters, don't count.

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Her Husband Was Never Bothered About Unimportant Things Like His Wife’s Needs…

Everyone knows that the balance tilts towards the husbands in the Indian household. So, why state the obvious? Right! His lordship was right. He had not done any wrong.

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How Was Asal Kolaar Allowed To Get Away With Sexual Harassment In Bigg Boss 6 Tamil?!

Asal Kolaar from Bigg Boss 6 Tamil was often seen touching women co-participants without their consent and getting away with it. Why didn't the organisers say anything?

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Jaipur Lit Fest
Heading To The Jaipur Lit Fest After 3 Years, And My Heart Is Skipping A Beat

Heading to Litfest after 3 years, and my heart is skipping a beat. I started going to Litfest about 12 years ago, on a whim. A group of us at a reunion, all avid readers and close friends, thought this would be a fun thing to explore. We stay in a tiny little hotel, more […]

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I Need To Speak Of My Abusive MIL Even If It’s ‘Washing Dirty Laundry In Public’!

If only I had taken her seriously, but I was too much in love with my husband. That was the first red flag I should have paid attention to.

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I Pray No Other Woman Has To Suffer What My Mom Did!

This Generation To Generation Violence towards A Daughter-in-law Needs To Stop!

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How My MIL Shrewdly Starved Me While I Was A Breastfeeding Mom To Take Control Over Our Lives

My wake-up call came when my daughter was 3 and a half months old, and my breastmilk dried out for two consecutive feeds leaving her hungry.

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When Our Eyes Met Unexpectedly, Amidst The Crowd At A Family Function…

Your goals made you move to a new city. I saved my pocket money to call you from a local PCO since my house used to get itemized phone bills.

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caregiver burnout
6 Best Tips To Avoid Caregiver Burnout Especially For 1st Time Caregivers

39% of Indians became first time caregivers during COVID, putting the spotlight on caregiver stress that can lead to caregiver burnout.

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Why Laal Singh Chhadha Is A Good Movie To Watch Alongside Independence Day

The story and narrative draw the viewer in slowly but surely, till, in the end, you wait for the final credits to end before leaving the theater.

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I Walked Out Of A Meeting With My Boss Today; He Insulted Me In Front Of My Colleagues!

He will patronizingly tell me how not to take anything personally, that what he said was a learning for everyone and that is why he actually said it out loud in front of 3 people; that as a senior professional I should take everything on the chin etc.

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Indian Content Creators Need To Stop Making Transphobic Reels In The Name Of Entertainment!

Indian content creators, especially cis het men, need to understand that it isn't enough to give a mere disclaimer saying "it's for entertainment" when this transphobic content reaches so many millions.

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When The Wild Passion Of A Toxic Lover Swallowed Me Whole: A Listicle

This deeply moving poem explores how love and passion can veer into the realm of toxicity. What happens when we let love destroy us?

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A woman smiling against a hilly background
To All The Broken And Unbroken Women, I See Your Scars, They’re Beautiful!

This comeback post by a former Women's Web writer celebrates the strength and resilience of women while documenting her own journey.

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I Was Just 7, Scared That My Parents Would Think It Was MY Fault, And The Memory Of It Still Haunts Me…

I realized that this was wrong, that what my uncle was doing to me was not right. The term sexual abuse still hadn't entered my mind. I started feeling ashamed and scared.

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Problematic Party Anthems: 6 Times When Badshah Preached Harassment of Women

Such songs by men usually glorify toxic masculinity and are all about disregarding women's consent and agency, and Badshah is one of those - time to call out such songs.

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I Know What I’m Doing, So Just Stop Your Mansplaining!

“I don’t know why you have to get so angry about the smallest of things,” he says. “Oh, so I am the one who’s wrong now?” I ask.

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Dear MIL, When You Cheer For Other Women In The Family, Why Can’t You See My Trauma?

Is it easier to preach empowerment to other women, than to apply the same to those inside one's own household? Asks a daughter-in-law.

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Rachana 1983
Revisiting 1983 Mallu Classic Rachana, A Tribute To The Legendary Nedumudi Venu Who Passed Away At 73

Covid has taken away so many legends. Spanning the gamut of cinema from comedy to tragedy and all the many hues in between, Nedumudi Venu was a gem that shone with unrivalled brilliance.

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Whose Shame Is It To Carry And To Deal With?

#MeToo has revealed many sexual predators. When their actions come to light, who carries the shame? This question was brought sharply to me recently because of the identity of one such man.

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A Request To Our Teachers… Please Put Kindness First Towards Young Kids Struggling With Online Schooling?

In an online PTM for my 5th grader, the 4 teachers focused on all that he was doing wrong, and nothing about the hard work we had done to do better after the earlier feedback. In just 5 minutes, the confidence we worked on building over so much time was broken. 

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Ranjani Rao
When You Have No Idea What Life Will Bring After A Divorce In India…

Rewriting My Happily Ever After is a soft, warm conversation that author Ranjani Rao has with her readers. She is telling her story as it is, sans filters, illusions, and repressed emotions.

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DU Drops 2 Dalit Authors, Mahasweta Devi’s ‘Draupadi’ From Syllabus; Faculty & Students Protest

As a 5th semester Delhi University student I definitely want to read Mahasweta Devi’s 'Draupadi' as well as Dalit authors Bama and Sukirtharini. Put them back into the syllabus!

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Dear Controlling Parents, What Gives You A Right To Control, Manipulate, Gaslight Daughters?

So, we stay where we are and continue the fight. We continue speaking up. In small and big doses. In articles like these. In family conversations. Over the dinner table and in big gatherings.

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learning to masturbate
Masturbation Is Not Only For Men, As I Learnt Almost 5 Years After My Marriage

At 30, married for around five years and a mother to a toddler, I was still unintroduced to the world of sexuality. I did not know what my body wanted, or why I did not enjoy sex with my husband.

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Why Can’t A Dalit Beti Be A “Desh Ki Beti” Too?!

A 9 year old Dalit girl was brutally raped and then possibly burnt alive by rapists from Oppressor Castes. As a Dalit woman, I ask, how dare anyone deny the caste angle to this brutality?

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Batman won't do oral sex
DC Makers Said ‘Batman Doesn’t Do Oral Sex’, And The Internet Erupted

The Internet never loses an opportunity to meme. So, when a DC executive had objections to Batman giving oral sex to Catwoman, this is what happened.

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Meera Singhania Rehani
Trans Model Meera Singhania: I Had Support But Also Privilege Most Trans Persons Don’t

Meera Singhania Rehani, who acted as the trans woman model in the now famous Bhima Jewellery ad speaks about her journey to transitioning, and how her privilege helped her.

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Recent P&H HC Verdict That Wife’s Affair Doesn’t Make Her A Bad Mother Came Too Late For Me

A recent Punjab and Haryana High Court verdict says that an extramarital affair cannot be a reason to decide a woman won't be a good mother and deny her child custody.

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Having Been In An Abusive Relationship At 17, The Latest Instagram Trend Triggers Me!

As someone who was in an extremely abusive relationship in her teens, the latest Instagram reels trend brings back too many painful memories.

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‘Inspiring’ Movies Make A Buzz – But Are Our Privileged MEN Taking Notice Or Changing Abusive Ways?

Aren’t women trained to be puppets, serving their 'masters', never thinking for themselves? How do we get the others sit up and take notice that WE MATTER?

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An Open Letter To My In-laws: You’re The Reason There’s NO Connection Between My Husband And Me!

Our relationship is hanging by a thread, because of a million misunderstandings between us, that can be cleared, only if you give us the chance to speak in private.

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My Father Is An Abuser; I’m Worried About My Mother’s And My Safety

I'm a teen domestic abuse survivor at the hands of my father. He is violent to both my mother and me, and I don't feel safe at home.

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interfaith couple
We’re Just An Ordinary Couple; Why Bring Differences Of Religion Into It?

We’re not religious, we’re just a couple like most; we have the usual ups and downs any ordinary marriage has. Why should there be media focus on us as 'interfaith'?

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Tina Dabi
Neither Tina Dabi’s Marriage Nor Her Divorce Are Any Of Our Business!

After the news of Tina Dabi and Akhtar Khan's divorce became public, people obviously had things to say. Don't they deserve any privacy?

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Umrao Jaan
The Quintessential Umrao Jaan; Only Rekha Could Have Really LIVED This Role!

In an interview, once, Rekha said that she had barely acted in the role of Umrao Jaan; she had lived it. A tribute on Rekha's birthday today.

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Twice Divorced At 22, I Finally Realised My Marital Status Doesn’t Define My Identity

The society may see me only as a twice divorced woman but I know I am more than that. After two divorces, I finally realised my self-worth. 

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When 33 Female Poets Came Together To Connect And Feed Their Souls

These female poets turned to poetry not only as an expression of creativity, but also to connect across borders when we are homebound.

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CARE for Amphan
What We Learnt About Sisterhood When We ‘Accidentally’ Began Fundraising For Amphan Relief

Needing to do something concrete, we started CARE (Creativity and Art for Amphan Relief Efforts), a 5-day long initiative to lend support to NGOs working on ground, and we’re astonished at its success. It was sisterhood all the way.

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Ramzaan 2020 Is A Little Different But LOVE With Virtual Iftar Dates With My Family!

In light of a pandemic, missing a festival seems like a small thing. But it is also about missing the reassuring smells, sounds of home and that of Iftar.

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Anmol Malik Audrey Piano
Don’t Be Afraid To Reinvent Yourself, For That Leads To Your Creativity

We don't have to be defined as one person - we can be many women if our imagination is given the freedom to soar and be creative, says Anmol Malik, a.k.a. Audrey Piano.

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How You Can Make The Best Of The Ingredients At Home While Cooking During Lockdown

Cooking during the lockdown may be stressful and difficult, mostly because of what is available. Jyotsna Shahane's The Classic Konkan Cookbook to the rescue!

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Anukrti Upadhyay
I Believe Stories Are Very Powerful, And Can Help Healing In These Traumatic Times

Anukrti Upadhyay, author of Daura and Bhaunri, takes you headlong into the rich world of folktales in her books, and tells us how her childhood was full of these.

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Rachel Goenka's Adventures with Mithai
2 Easy Desserts You Can Try Making To Cheer Yourself Up In These Bleak Times

Two delicious desserts you can try at home, courtesy recipes from Rachel Goenka’s Adventures with Mithai, given here. Let us know how these turned out!

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I’d Rather Help Those Who Need It Than Just Get Stressed Over Increasing Infection Numbers!

Corona virus isn’t the beginning of our problems of public health and overall governance and social and economic inequity, nor the end. But we shouldn't let fear incapacitate us.

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trapped at home due to coronavirus
Trapped At Home Due To Coronavirus, What Do Women In A Domestic Violence Situation Do?

With the current lockdown, everyone is at home. How and where do women trapped at home and in a violent household find their safe spaces?

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How to Keep Your Data and Privacy Safe Abroad

Traveling can be fun, exciting, and great for your career – but not when hackers compromise your data. Here’s what you can do to really keep it safe 24/7.

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10 Plus Reasons To Positively Love, Love, LOVE Thappad

The thought behind, and the fine detailing that this reviewer finds in every scene of Thappad makes the experience of watching it extraordinary, for these 10 plus reasons...

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Chandramma’s Story Of Escaping From Bonded Labour Shows Us What A Long Way We Have To Go

An expert silk weaver, Chandramma’s quest for livelihood led her to being a bonded labourer. Nonetheless, she is determined to build herself and her children a better future.

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thappad review
Is Thappad Really A Feminist Movie, Or The Same Disappointing Gaslighting?

Thappad, the newest 'feminist' movie is getting praise for calling hidden domestic violence that is so normalised in marriages. But it is really the feminist wonder it is considered?

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Little Women
152 Years Later, Little Women Still Relates To The Lives Of Indian Girls!

A new screen version of Little Women has just been released, and so much of it (as also Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice) still feels relevant to girls and women in India, even in 2020. 

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Jawaani Jaaneman Is A Delightful Coming-Of-Age Film, But I’m Questioning The U/A Certificate

This is a ‘coming-of-age’ movie but with a delightful twist of a grown man first turning grudgingly into a father and later on more willingly into an excited grandfather.

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Mayuri Purkayastha
Mayuri Purkayastha Built A Library In A Govt School In Maharashtra By Crowdsourcing Books

Government schools in India lack many educational facilities like a good library. Mayuri Purkayastha speaks of one such she built in Bhosari, through crowdsourcing.

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Zakira acid attack survivor
I Am Zakira: I’m An Acid Attack Survivor; I Won’t Cry And I Won’t Die

Meet Zakira, who has literally faced a lot, from domestic violence to an acid attack. Yet, her spirit remains unbroken. Her story in her words.

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Is Only A Dead Rape Victim A ‘Good’ One That Deserves Our Empathy?

Every time a woman is raped and murdered, this is what I desperately hope will happen. And am disappointed every time!

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‘Don’t Block Sex Education’ & 11 More Don’ts To Prevent Rapes (And Not Ask For Lynching Of Rapists)

Calling for the rapists' blood isn't going to solve anything. Instead, rape culture itself needs to be tackled. Here's what can be done.

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Girls Not Welcome At Veterinary College: Our Harrowing Experience

Veterinary college wasn’t a comfortable place for girls. Not because of anything else. It was only because the boys made sure they harassed us.

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A Chat With Sujatha Srinivasan, The Brain Behind ARISE, An All-Indian, Low Cost ‘Standing Wheelchair’

ARISE, a 'standing wheelchair', was recently launched by IIT Madras. Here is the brain behind this, the unassuming Prof Sujatha Srinivasan, talking with her junior alumnus, Namrata Vora.

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filmy fundas
Fabulously Funny One Line Descriptions of Bollywood’s Greatest (Problematic) Hits

Hilarious one-line descriptions of some really popular Bollywood hits, that get right at the bottom of the problematic part of it, by a woman who identifies as feminist.

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I Am Constantly Passed Up For Promotions Despite The Experience I Have

A woman is worried about not getting promotion despite having worked in the company for a long period of time. Job change or talking to the boss?

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Restarting My Career: New Career Path Or Comfortable Old One?

A woman who took a break after the birth of her children wants to get back to working. She is confused between a drastic career change or opting for comfort. 

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As A Mompreneur I Feel Like I Am Managing More Than I Can Handle

A woman managing her business and home is tired of travelling between Bangalore and Coimbatore on a regular basis as she can't get anything else done. How would you deal with that?

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My Manager Humiliates Me Publicly For Minuscule Issues: Mentor Centre

A woman is facing issues with her manager who seems to have taken a grudge against her going as far as humiliating her. How do you deal with this situation? 

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Goodbye Toxic MIL …Much To Your Dismay, I Am Happy And Confident With #NoRegrets In My Life

If you are constantly rebuked, blamed and compared to others, what do you do? You live separately with #NoRegrets. A woman's honest advise on taking matters in your own hands. 

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Tara Krishnaswamy
Tara Krishnaswamy: Domestic Abuse Victims Returning To Their Abusers ‘Willingly’ Is Not True Consent

Political activist Tara Krishnaswamy realised early the gap between her privileged, feminist upbringing, and the life of the ordinary Indian woman, leading her to raise her voice in concrete ways that make a difference.

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St Francis College for women protests
St Francis Hyd Girls Win After Protest Against Moral Policing By Tugging Kurtis To ‘Check Length’

A recent video going all over viral on social media show security staff of St Francis College for Women, Hyderabad, tugging at the Kurtis of students if the kurta was not below the knee.

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Surviving Attempted Suicide: I’m Taking It One Day At A Time

According to the WHO, every year, approximately, a million people die through suicide. Here's a story of a happier life lived despite attempted suicide.

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One Year After 377 Down: Is Everything Great For The LGBTQIA+ Community?

It has been one year since Section 377 was struck down by the Supreme Court. But has the LGBTQIA+ community got its full rights? 

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Why The Recent Transgender Persons Bill Does Not Mean Freedom For The Community

Though the Transgender Persons Bill was recently passed in the Lok Sabha, the community is not particularly happy with it. Here are a few reasons why.

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“Better Marriage Proposals” & “Attention From Male Staff” – Reasons College Gives For Strict Dress Code!!

Students of St. Francis College for women in Hyderabad have alleged that their college is forcing them to wear knee-length kurti so that "they get good marriage proposals" and wearing short tops garners “unnecessary male attention from the staff”.

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Activist Kamla Bhasin: Are WE Willing To Be The Change To Create A Less Misogynist Society?

'They' need to do something for reducing violence against women, but what about 'us'? What about the mindsets that perpetuate the covert rape culture that feeds into overt violence?

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Nida Hasan
Change.Org Country Director Nida Hasan: Feminism In India Is No Longer Limited To Activists

"Women have each other to draw inspiration from, to hold one another’s hands when the going gets tough," says Country Director Nida Hasan, "and to celebrate our victories together."

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This Husband “Confessed” To Manipulating His Wife So She Can’t Have A Career, In A Public Post. Huh!?

This husband has manipulated his wife into being a stay-at-home mom who also 'must take care of his parents' and 'can't have a career'. And we thought this was 2019.

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Men And Women In Delhi Recently Gathered To Protest Against Glorification Of Violence In Films

Kabir Singh is the latest in a long line of misogynist movies that glorify stalking and violence against women in the name of 'romance'. Time to get off social media and protest in real life.

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Oh My Hrithik! We Believe In Every Woman’s Right To Sexual Fantasies And Self-Pleasure

It's considered 'shameful' to talk about - even think about - women's sexual fantasies and pleasure, a taboo that 5 college girls set out to erase with Oh My Hrithik. 

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Kamla Bhasin
JAGORI Co-founder Kamla Bhasin: What Would I Be Without My Feminisms? Yes, There Are Many!

"There are many Feminisms," says Kamla Bhasin, who has worked in this field for close to 50 years. "They are often contextual, and are not just about choice, but about the politics of what we choose."

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letter from a stranger
This Novel Initiative By Paromita Bardoloi Lets Strangers Write Letters To Each Other

Paromita Bardoloi began her initiative Letter From A Stranger, India, as the exchange of ideas and advice between her friends. But it has become much bigger than that.

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What Kabir Singh & Arjun Reddy (And All Clueless Men) Need To Know About Pregnancy

Sowmya Rajendran rants on Facebook about the utter cluelessness of men about pregnancy, and the danger of romanticising it, as in the blockbuster Arjun Reddy and the recent remake Kabir Singh.

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Delhi metro
Why Making Delhi Metro & Buses Free For Women Has Opened A Veritable Can Of Elitist Worms

The AAP Delhi state government has announced free travel on metro and buses for women who cannot afford it. How exactly will this lead to safer travel for women?

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Dr Payal’s Suicide Shows Us That The Caste System Is A Cancer Indian Doctors Need To Eradicate

Doctors understand early on that under our skin, all of us have the same blood, organs, and skeletons. Why, then, do Indian doctors continue a belief in the caste system?

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The Tragic Surat Fire Reminds Us It’s Time To Assess Public Places

Yesterday, we heard the deeply saddening news of a massive fire in a commercial building in Surat, and the subsequent deaths of 20 children there.

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Bollywood Screenwriter Jyoti Kapoor: Feminism Is Not A Rigid Being; It’s Always Evolving

"Feminism means having the freedom, choice and opportunity that the other gender has," says Bollywood screenwriter Jyoti Kapoor. "It's okay to question things."

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Millions Of Indians Are Trapped In Bonded Labour, But This Mom Escaped The Illegal System

This Mother’s Day, we celebrate and salute mothers who have triumphed over conditions of bonded labour, remaining hopeful despite it all. Here's the inspiring story of Papamma and Chiranjeevi.

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This Mother’s Day, I Want To Be Reborn In Your Life!

A poignant wish by a daughter, to be reborn in another life as someone else in her mother's life, someone who will cherish her instead of restricting her choices.

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If You Know My Name

They chanced to sit together and spent the next hour conversing like there was no tomorrow. He had never felt the same way talking to anyone else in school or at home.

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Gazal Dhaliwal interview
Gazal Dhaliwal, Writer Of India’s First Light-Hearted LGBTQIA+ Film Is An Inspiring Trans Woman!

The film's writer, trans woman Gazal Dhaliwal feels that with Ek Ladki Ko Dekha Toh Aisa Laga Bollywood has finally stepped out of the closet, and hopes it never has to go back into it again.

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Laxmi Agarwal a mom
Last Week I Met The Real ‘Chapaak’ Woman, Acid Attack Survivor Laxmi Agarwal, An Inspiring Mom

Laxmi Agarwal is so much more than just what we know her as - a gritty acid attack survivor. Here we meet her as a mom, speaking about her dreams for her daughter.

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coping mechanisms
10 Coping Mechanisms That Helped Me Deal With Stress & Depression In Tough Times

Tough times come in everyone's lives, and dealing with them needs a lot of support - from family, friends, and the sisterhood of those who can handhold you... these 10 coping mechanisms help.

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a piece of him
What Led This Mom To Have Her Husband’s Baby Via IVF After His Death?

Supriya Jain lost her husband in an accident after 15 years of married life. A Piece of Him is her effort to make sense of the grief following this tragic loss. This excerpt is published with permission from the publishers, Notion Press.

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But He Didn’t Mean It!

The very next day, he would be the same man she had loved. It was like the previous episode had never happened...She told herself firmly, he was probably just having a bad day at work, or stressed, or troubled.

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Akkai Padmashali
Akkai Padmashali: I’ve Struggled For 23 Years For My Identity, Success Feels Around The Corner

Akkai Padmashali was assigned male at birth, but she always felt like a girl. It has been a long struggle to be who she is today, a transgender activist. 

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The Prince
And Kannaki Collapsed To The Ground As She Watched Kovalan Killed

The Widowing of Kannaki is from Samhita Arni's new book The Prince, a retelling based on 'Silappadikaram', one of the five greatest epics ever written in Tamil Nadu. Republished here with permission from the publishers, Juggernaut.

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woman living with infertility
As A Woman Living With Infertility, Life Has Been An Emotional Rollercoaster Everyday

The silence on the pain felt by women living with infertility is deafening, in a society so focused on women getting married and having babies. 

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You Might Be My Father, But I Belong To Me!

When she looked up at her father, her eyes screamed in pain as they darted towards the body abandoned in the corner. A body used to his abuse, taunts, slapping, kicking. Had it given up? Or would it rise again, to justify and bear more humiliation?

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Is #MeToo Any Different For Homemakers? I’ve Been Fighting For Justice

As a married woman, I've faced domestic violence and stopped from having a career. I'm still looking for justice, which is elusive for homemakers. 

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Sowmya Rajendran
Sowmya Rajendran: Being A Feminist Requires Me To Question Myself Every Day

"I've come to realise that it's rather hard to live by feminist principles in every sphere of your life - at home, at work, in your social circle, in public spaces, on social media," says Sowmya Rajendran.

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The Tradition Of ‘Bidai’ Is A Social Evil That Violates Women’s Constitutional Rights

Bidai as a wedding underlines the 'enslaved' status of women and girl children in society, leads to discrimination against women, and should be banned, says the author.

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Not Kind, Not Fair And Not Just: The Amba, Ambika, Ambalika Story You Don’t Know

Amba (with her sisters Ambika and Ambalika) is among the most fascinating characters of the Mahabharata, reborn as Shikhandi to take her revenge on the Kurus. Author Meenakshi Reddy Madhavan reimagines their story in The One Who Had Two Lives.

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What You Should Know About Postpartum Haemorrhage

Postpartum Haemorrhage (PPH) is the term used for excessive bleeding after childbirth. Here's what you should know about it.

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Nirbhaya day
Crimes Against Women Have Risen Despite Awareness Created By Nirbhaya Day!

One more Nirbhaya Day comes along on 16th December, 6 years since Jyoti Singh a.k.a Nirbhaya was brutally gangraped. Has anything changed for the women of India?

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Coming Full Circle To My Mother’s Home, To MY Home!

Aanya dropped her overnight bag and rushed to hug her mom, breathing in the familiar scent of Nivea cream mixed with her mom’s unique scent. Maya, caught off guard by the sudden hug, sensed something wrong, but didn’t say a word.

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6 Things To Understand About #MeToo To Smash Patriarchy, Like Men’s Control Of Women’s Desire

To truly empower themselves, women must recognise their relative privilege in the structures that enable men to hold on to power and oppress women, says Vinutha Mallya in this eye-opening article.

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unequal partnership
As An Indian Wife, I’ve Had To Keep Quiet Despite Being Treated Badly

For an average Indian woman, a marriage is an unequal partnership that means taking care of the husband, his family, sundry relatives, friends, and neighbours. But not so for the man!

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On Diwali Day A Rapist Contacted Me For Medical Advice After Raping A 10 y.o.

On Diwali day, a patient contacted me online to ask if ejaculating on a virgin girl's vagina could make her pregnant. When I came to know the girl was a 10 y.o. child, I decided to report him.

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The Real Reason More Women Aren’t Making A Complaint Though All Must Have A #MeToo Story

A step by step argument against those who ask why women haven't spoken up earlier, and why they are only speaking up on social media and not making actual complaints officially. Do read.

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As A Child, Lila Was Ridiculed For Her Dark Skin Because…Indian Beauty Myths!

It took Lila many years and much pain to realise that the flaw was not in her, but in the warped and conditioned minds of others, that held up only fair skin as beauty.

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I’m Busting These 7 Myths About Bisexual People, That Both Straight & Queer Folks Believe In

Most people are clueless about bisexuality, and even within the LGBTQ+ community in India, bisexual people are often stigmatised as 'greedy'. Here's setting y'all straight.

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I Want To Get Back To The IT Industry After A 2 Year Break. How?

Getting back to work is a challenge for many women, and especially in a dynamic industry like IT. Here are some thoughts on making the return. 

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I Started Working Full Time After 37, And Am Struggling But Still Learning

"I started working full time in an office at the age of 37 years and am still learning." This experience is so poignant and inspiring for every woman who is restarting her career late. 

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Dear Cosmic Mistake

#DearCosmicMistake is a series of poems I wrote on heartbreak, love, loss and unsaid goodbyes. It is about all the love stories that go unsung. 

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The Unexpected Gift Of Privacy

What would her mom say if she knew? But Maanasa seemed not bothered by such thoughts. She was so.... Titiksha searched for the right word, Maanasa was so uninhibited.

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My Two-Wheeler Riding Adventures, I Started After Turning 50!

New learning and life's adventure actually begin once relieved of all other responsibilities. With her riding experiments, Manjula Basavaraj explains how. 

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plus sized fashion bloggers
11 Indian Women Fashion Bloggers You Must Follow For Clothes With A Distinct Personality

Plus sized fashion is more than just clothes. It’s a personality type, and these plus sized fashion bloggers from India are proving just that.

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bipolar person
How To Love A Bipolar Person? 22 Ways I’d Ask My Dear Ones To Love Me

Bipolar disorder can make a person quite unpredictable and wildly varying in their moods. How does one love such a bipolar person? The author explains from experience.

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My Name Is Kshitija, I Am His Horizon

This was another reason why grandmother poisoned mother’s ears with lies of how I was beaten up by boys sometimes and that she had to hide me from the boys or they would do “unimaginable things” to me when I grow up.

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Yes, I Stand-up. You Gotta Problem? Mahila Manch Makes Ahmedabad Laugh

The Mahila Manch, a brand all female new stand up comedy group in Ahmedabad, is entertaining audiences with 'The Period Show'. We got group member Aarti Nair to share their story with us.

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Because I Am Taking A Road Not Travelled

"This is the question which had haunted me, kept me awake, made me question my decision, but the day I realised that I was not scared about it, in fact the thought excited me, I knew I had to take the plunge.”

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Indian policewomen
Why Indian Policewomen Are Strong Women Who Don’t Give A F*** About Being Feminist

One would expect Indian policewomen to be sensitive to the issues of their own gender, but this author's study shows that they weren't usually, just strong women choosing their battles.

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problems of coming out as bisexual
I Lost Friends Coming Out As Bisexual. Because, “What If You Are Attracted To Me?”

I'm bisexual. It is difficult for both straight and gay people to understand or accept this. This creates many problems of coming out as a bisexual that others can't fathom. 

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After Working In BPO, I Had A Career Break And Want To Restart Now: Mentor Centre

A woman who's worked in the BPO industry, but doesn't want to do night shifts now, wonders if there are job options available to her. What's your suggestion?

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How Coming Out As Bisexual At 15 Has Been An Encouragingly Positive Experience

I am a bisexual teenager. While coming out to my mom and a small set of friends has been a positive experience, I hope that I will be able to come out openly some time.

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Dr. Priya Davidar: Life As A Woman Ecologist In India

Women ecologists in India used to be conspicuous by their absence, with fieldwork seen as 'unsuitable' for women. Pioneers like Dr. Priya Davidar have led the change!

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You Might Feel You Have A Normal Pregnancy, But Complications Can Happen To Anyone

Telling my pregnancy story of pre-eclampsia to alert others - if you have any of these symptoms, get help immediately. I survived, but it could kill.

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HIV/AIDS Is A ‘Gay Disease’: This, And 8 Such Myths About STDs Busted

There are many myths about STIs and STDs in LGBTQ + individuals, that discriminate, and also prevent their easy access to sex education, prevention, and treatment.

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I’m Competing With A Man For A Promotion And Facing Gender Bias: Mentor Centre

Women aspiring for senior level marketing roles are often penalised for having 'no sales background'. How does one overcome this sometimes invisible barrier?

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Amla Mater
Devi Menon Creates A Tender Memoir Of Home Made Pickle And Pregnancy In Amla Mater [#BookReview]

Amla Mater, a memoir by Devi Menon is every bit as nostalgia inducing and mouth-watering as the title of this review suggests. Do look it up! 

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Dr. Bimla Buti: A Woman Scientist In A Field Dominated By Men

The women scientists of India, in the immediate post-independence period, braved enormous odds in the cause of their careers. Theoretical Plasma Physicist, Dr. Bimla Buti shares her experience.

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The Let Down: A Netflix Comedy That Captures The Unfunny In New Motherhood

The Let Down, which premiered on Netflix takes you on a roller coaster ride while capturing the woes of motherhood.

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Veere Di Wedding: Same Old Privileged Brat Woman As ‘Women Empowerment’?

Is Veere Di Wedding really about empowered women or just a very narrow slice of what single women in this country supposedly, want? 

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When My Husband Gets Up With Me At Night To Take Care Of Our Infant

This post has been taken down because of a prior copyright claim.

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Yes, In The Dirt, With Those ‘Homeless’ People!

The last line provoked Kavya. Her eyes flashed fire: Yes ma. I am not just going to learn from those 'homeless' people with their priceless craft, I am going to be living with them.

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I Love You The Most, My L’il Munchkin! You Are My World And My Sunshine

A new mom speaks of her journey through pregnancy and childbirth to now - how she felt, and how she fell in love with her new baby. 

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Living With Endometriosis: “I Thought My Insides Were On Fire!” My Personal Journey

Living with endometriosis since my teens, an unpredictable, painful, and often debilitating disease, has been very challenging & exhausting.

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kids with autism
My Son Has Autism. A BIG Thank You From The Heart, To Those Who Understand & Help

Not many people understand kids with autism. My son is one of them. Here is a BIG Thank You for all those who have made our journey beautiful.

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Do You Know About the Top 5 Memory Foam Mattresses That Can be Easily Bought Online?

Are you searching for memory foam mattress online? Well, we have also prepared ourselves to help you with your shopping.

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lioness out on the street
Lioness Out On The Streets

Mahima noticed just then that they had taken a route she was not aware of. “Uhh…where are you going?” She called out to the cabbie in as stern a voice as she could.

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you define yourself best
Don’t Let Others Dictate Who You Should Be, For You Define Yourself Best

“Oh you devil! Knowing Adil checks his mails on Sunday nights to prepare for the coming week. You sent him your resignation this morning!”

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When Grandma Told Me The Startling Truth About My Sister’s Work As A Surrogate Mom

To this, I said many mean things. Making a business around motherhood cannot possibly be about spreading love and happiness. Several people agreed with my notions. I must be right.

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That Little House In Langford Town We Left Behind Us

"I still don’t know what led us to grow apart." Some relationships end inexplicably. If you have one of those stories, you'll so relate to this one!

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“All You Need Is Love”. Umm, Sometimes, That Isn’t True

With the best intentions in the world, some marriages don't work out. Perhaps we need to rethink that bit about 'all you need is love'?

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Drenched In The Pain [#ShortStory]

The real pain had stood behind the momentary mask of her mother’s disapproval. Now that the mask was torn away, Sumana could not hold it in anymore. It was too much. Way too much.

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parallel school
My Son Has Autism, And Thrives At A Parallel School. How Can You Judge Me For It?

My son is on the autism spectrum. I send him to a parallel school which is perfect for him, so it is unfair that I'm judged for it.

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using a menstrual cup
Using A Menstrual Cup: “What If There’s No Toilet?” And Other Questions You Always Wanted Answered

The menstrual cup is a fairly new entrant among sanitary options - here are most questions about using a menstrual cup, answered by a user.

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vagina monologues
Preparing For The Vagina Monologues Helped Us Reclaim Our Power And Femininity

The She Stands Tall Project presents The Vagina Monologues in Bangalore this month. Here, some women share their stories of preparing for the project.

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enjoy my drink
Yes, I Enjoy My Drink… And Being A Woman Has Nothing To Do With It!

A contrary view by the author on the controversial statement by Manohar Parrikar that has most feminists in arms against the stereotyping.

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Baby Not Sleeping? You Might Be Surprised To Learn Why!

Contrary to popular belief, babies do not sleep all the time. Sure, when they’re a couple of weeks old, but after those early days, a new parent can get a rude awakening.

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how we perceive consent
There Is A Fundamental Problem With How We Perceive Consent, And Here Is Why That Matters

An Indian woman is not considered to have the agency to say NO to sexual overtures, unless she 'belongs' to a man. This is a fatal flaw in how we perceive consent. 

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The Calling
The Call(ing) [#ShortStory]

Even as as she said it, she tried to clamp down on her thumping heart, the rush of blood a roar in her ear, or so she imagined. She was desperate not to lose the caller.

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things a kid collects
Thank You For Giving Me The Gift Of Perspective On What Really Matters, Dear Daughter!

Sorting through the things a kid collects over the years, and deciding what to keep and what to throw can be a real dilemma. Here's how one mom solved it.

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Learning From Andal, Learning From The Devadasi

Modern women can learn much from Andal’s life and appreciate its beauty, without having to be sentimental about it or evaluating her in a 21st century context.

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different faiths
[#NotMyLoveJihad] My Mom & My Boyfriend Of Different Faith – My 2 Loves I Don’t Want To Pick From!

I love both my mom and my boyfriend dearly. But I can't tell her about him because we are of different faiths. I don't want to hurt either of them. #NotMyLoveJihad 

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Don’t Mock Me Just Because I Got A Divorce… Walk In My Shoes Instead!

Don’t judge me or negate me because I am a divorcee. You do not really know what the lives of couples who get divorced are really like.

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An Open Letter To Men: It’s Time For You To Step Up

The problem of the Double Burden cannot be solved just by women’s intervention. It’s really time now for men to do their fair share.

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Welcome To The ‘Ladies’ Club: Have Your Broom Handy!

However hard you try to run away from the Patriarchy, it seems to catch up with you… sometimes, in the form of the landlady! When women work outside the home, their work inside doesn’t magically go away! Women continue to bear the ‘double burden’ of two jobs – resulting in immense stress as well as […]

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perpetrators of violence against women
Let’s Shift Attention To Perpetrators Of Violence Against Women Instead Of Victim Blaming

We indulge freely in victim blaming, but do not think to blame perpetrators of violence against women. A hard look at this for International Day for Elimination of Violence against Women.

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Kirron Kher
Ms Kher, Your Advice To This Young Rape Survivor Smacks Of Victim Blaming!

Kirron Kher recently caused an uproar when she gave unsolicited advice to a young woman, blaming her for her actions which allegedly led to her rape.

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If A Wife Is Not Chattel, Why Is Hadiya, An Adult Daughter One?

The Supreme Court's recent judgement on the Hadiya case 'allowed' her back to college. However, aspects of the judgement as well as the way it is reported, are unsettling.

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applaud her courage
I Feel Sad For Her, But I Applaud Her Courage In The Step She Took!

Appearances can be deceptive, as I realised when I came to know the reason for a neighbour's apparently strange behaviour. And now I applaud her courage!

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for the right man
“Weight” For The Right Man [#Winner]

“But look at Pihu. Does her size even bother her? If they reject her who will marry her? At the age of 29, I had two kids and look at this girl. Does she want to remain unmarried forever?"

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Fair or unfair
The Dark Secrets Of Indian Women: Fair Or Unfair?

The obsession with fairness in Indian girls and women is so all pervading that it affects all aspects of a woman's life. Fair or unfair?

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women's education project
WEP-India Fosters Confluence Of Ideas Towards A Bright Future For Women’s Education

Women's Education Project - India (WEP India) is a Bangalore based NGO that is working towards a goal of bettering the status of women through education. A report.

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what will people say
What Will People Say? [#Winner]

The last thing she wanted was for the family matriarch and her orthodox mother-in-law to hear this and rain hell on them for raising an insolent daughter.

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The Unpleasant Reality Of The Corporate Workplace Where Women Are *Wink* Special

We've all been there and outraged at why women don't give it back when faced with sexual harassment at work. The reality is more complex.

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1 In 10 Girls Has Experienced Sexual Violence. What Are We Doing About It?

From strangers on the street, to husbands in the home, women in India face sexual violence from multiple sources, and want things to change NOW.

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The Troll Who Called Me A Chinki, And Why I Took Him On

When women dare to confront misogyny, they often face harassment of a worse order. This woman refused to shut up.

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the right solution
The Right Solution [#ShortStory]

But the past experience reminded me, it does not have to be one majorly abusive or explosive incident to drive them to the breaking point, it is a culmination of years of being harassed, years of subservience, years of being unable to speak out.

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Chandni [#ShortStory]

And every time she choked with recurring sobs, watching the unwelcome moon, she reminded herself that she would not cry.

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“Speak Up And Raise The Alarm”: This Young Girl From Muzaffarpur Refuses To Stay Quiet

In an interesting two-day activity in Patna, teenaged girls and boys from Bihar and Jharkhand got together to debate what holds girls back.

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This Diwali, Buy One Of These 56 Handloom Saree Weaves And Flaunt Your Style

Sarees will never go out of fashion. Here are some unusual weaves that the author speaks so lovingly of, for all kinds of budgets. Check NOW!

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bipolar disorder
Hello, Bipolar Me – Half Dream, Half Nightmare!

Having a bipolar disorder can churn life inside out, making it very difficult for those who love you. A searing personal account. #MentalHealthAwarenessDay

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Farce [#ShortStory]

The heart of a woman is strongest at struggle, she had heard, and she saw it for herself firsthand when her hands shook with fear but her other hand steadied it, on its own.

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anniversary surprise
Anniversary Surprise [#ShortStory]

This was the best gift that I could ever give you, Sharad. But I don’t know why I waited for 25 years. I should have slapped you the very first day when you started disrespecting me.

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good news
Do You Have Some ‘Good News’?

Good news in India is synonymous with one thing, and one thing only. Impending motherhood, after getting married. That is important.

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Medha Khole
The Importance Of Not Being “Nice” Towards A Casteist Society’s Privileges

Pune scientist Medha Khole and her allegations against Nirmala Yadav have opened a can of casteist worms that need to be dealt with.

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Double Trouble, Double Fun
Double Trouble, Double Fun Is A Rollicking Personal Story Of Parenting Twins [#BookReview]

Double Trouble, Double Fun by Riti Prasad covers a twin mom's unique personal journey - a perspective not found in the usual books on parenting twins.

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Triple Talaq Verdict: SC Set The Bar High, But We Still Need More

The Supreme Court of India declared instant triple talaq illegal on 22nd August 2017. Let’s understand what this truly means.

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film reviewer
As A Film Reviewer, I Get Plenty Of Trolls And Mansplainers, And This Is My Answer To Them!

I am a film reviewer of South Indian movies, and I am not about to tolerate the nonsense I receive online in the comments, mostly from disgruntled men.

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Broken [#ShortStory]

Is it possible? I had daydreamed about it but realized had never really believed I would do it. Yes, I was not in my conservative little hometown anymore. But still…

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Her Hard-hitting LinkedIN Post Helped This Mom Return To Work After Facing Bias

When moms return to work after a maternity break, they often face a bleak response or harsh questions. Here is a mom who fought back!

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Thank You, Jakarta, For Making Us Feel At Home!

The author, a well-travelled woman, speaks of the first year of her stay in Jakarta with her family, a city very different yet so similar to the cities in India.

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My Mother In Law Has Made My Life A Soap Opera

A harrowing account of how a mother in law made the life of a woman difficult for no real fault of hers. A downright soap opera!

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Aadhar And Its (Dis)Contents: The How, Why, When, Where, What & Who

Time was when getting your Aadhar card was a breeze. Not anymore. Here is how to go about it.

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women's cricket
Girls Not Encouraged In Cricket – Will The Powers That Be Wake Up At Least Now?

Women's cricket is the rage, with our women in blue giving stellar performances in the World Cup. Will this mean better opportunities for our girls?

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Counterview [#ShortStory]

Only thing, here it was two heroines instead of a hero and heroine! I was in 10th std, still a little too young to fathom what exactly was going on.

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Harmanpreet Kaur Takes ‘Mithali’s Devils’ On To The Cusp Of Cricketing History

With Harmanpreet Kaur delivering an incredible performance, it’s time for us to cheer the Indian women’s Cricket team in the upcoming World Cup finals!

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Do You Have Any Idea How GST Is Hurting People With Disability?

While the government cites 5% GST on products that assist people with disability as a 'concession', what is the reality?

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Cows Are Safer Than Women In India, And Our Misplaced Anger Proves It

HEADLINES: A photography project featuring a woman wearing a cow mask created a furore nationally! What does this say about India today?

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How Not To Sound Desperate When You Want To Return To Work

Want to return to work after a career break? You may feel desperate but coming across like that can hurt your chances.

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These Women Threw An All Faith Iftaar For Ramzan. And It Was Beautiful

Will women be the force that brings communities and people together? A lovely account of a women-led all faith iftaar.

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M For Menstruation Gets Phullu An A for Adult-Only Certificate

The Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC), Government of India, has deemed the Hindi film Phullu, fit only for "adult" viewing because its story revolves around menstruation.

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how a father should not be
Father’s Day? Whatever!

Not all fathers are 'good fathers'. Here's a heart-wrenching personal account of how a father should not be.

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women travellers
Travelling As Women – The Good, The Bad, And The Alone

Indian women travellers going alone are rare even today. These accounts inform us of the anxieties and also the bright side of these escapades.

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being decently dressed
Now You Needn’t Worry About Being Decently Dressed With This Sanskaari Clothes Bank!

Worried about being decently dressed when you go to meet that dignitary? Fret not. The Sanskaari Clothes Bank is here to the rescue!

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i want to live my life, amma
I Want To Live My Life, Amma! [#ShortStory]

“But deep down, I am sure nothing matters to you more than my happiness. And right now, I am perfectly content.

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Sita [#ShortStory]

We had started from the scratch, without any luxuries. But, we had the comfort of each other and we were happy in our little bubble. We thought, we could survive anything.

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“Women Worry That They May Be Branded As TroubleMakers” – An HR Manager Talks

This HR Manager candidly discusses the real sexual harassment cases she has seen, and tells us what we can learn from them.

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Kanika Gupta
How Kanika Gupta Did A Gruelling Solo Trek Without A Guide To The Annapurna Base Camp And Survived To Tell The Tale

Kanika Gupta describes the first 2 days of a gruelling solo trek to the Annapurna Base Camp, without any guide or porter, as her cash became worthless enroute due to demonetisation.

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Laila Tyabji’s Facebook Post Shows Us How To Embrace Ageing – In Style!

In an age where everyone is trying helter-skelter to look more younger, Laila Tyabji's views on aging gracefully is truly inspiring!

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she's not just a pretty face
She’s Not Just A Pretty Face [#Poetry]

A woman is more than her body. She's not just a pretty face. Her beauty is within, in the 'woman' she is inside, and that is what matters.

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Lipstick Under My Burkha
This Song Explains Why The Indian Censor Board Should Be Shown A Mirror

Talk about sexuality (from the male point of view) and we might have an open mind. But, have women talking about sexuality and our hypocritical society freezes up.

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unexpected rebel
My Mother, The Unexpected Rebel! [#ShortStory]

“If you bow down to everything society says, it will make sure that ‘You’ will be stripped from whom you really are.” Here is the fourth winner of our April 2017 Muse of the Month contest, Swarna Manjari Ayyalasomayajula. The cue for this month was from the movie Kahaani, in which the cop, played by Nawazuddin […]

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Nandita Venkatesan
Nandita Venkatesan Lost Her Hearing To Tuberculosis, Yet Is Today An Accomplished Bharatnatyam Dancer!

Nandita Venkatesan lost her health, hearing, and a 'normal life' to tuberculosis, but this valiant girl battled it and rebuilt her life.

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This Mother-Daughter Duo Found Their Calling In Helping Other Women Navigate Pregnancy With Joy

In an apartment in a quiet street in Chembur, Mumbai, the mother and daughter duo of Saraswathy Hariharan and Dr. Shalini Ananth are helping scores of women navigate the emotional and physical challenges of pregnancy and impending motherhood. Saraswathy Hariharan and her daughter, Dr. Shalini Ananth, run Aaroghya Pregnancy, offering a holistic pregnancy module covering […]

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Kareena Kapoor Is Bang On For Saying That Not All Pregnancies Are The Same

Talking on pregnancy recently, Kareena Kapoor recently said that all pregnancies are not the same, on being criticised for going out right after delivery. We need to remember this before passing judgement on new moms. As quoted in this interview, Kareena said, “Yes, I was on my feet a few days after the delivery, but it’s upsetting to […]

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life of dignity
Not-So-Dear Husband, This Is Why I Want A Divorce From You!

Sometimes, it is enough that a woman wants a life of dignity and is no longer willing to put up with abuse from a husband, normalized in a patriarchal society.

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Mothers. What Would We Do Without Them?

“The salary offered to my mother was much more than what my father earned and yet the topic of him leaving his job and looking for something in the US was never even considered as an option."

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A Grassroots Non Profit Organisation In Mumbai, SNEHA Does Some Very Good Work With Marginalised Women

SNEHA is a grassroots organisation that works in preventive and promotive healthcare among women and children in informal settlements and from marginalised populations.

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Women’s Self Worth Cannot Be Decided By Our Business Cards Or Their Absence Thereof!

What decides your self worth? Does it matter whether you are a homemaker or a working woman? The author muses today on occasion of #WomensDay.

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I want to destroy myself
I Want To Destroy Myself [#BookReview]

I Want To Destroy Myself is the best selling memoir of Malika Amar Sheikh, translated by Jerry Pinto from the Marathi original 'Mala Udhwasta Vyaychay'.

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In Your Own Skin: A Message From Taapsee Pannu

If more stars take a stand on fairness creams as Taapsee Pannu recently did, would we see less fascination with fair skin in India?

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Mirage [#ShortStory Winner – Muse Of The Month]

“All that glorious promise of a life to be… Now a zilch. Suddenly, everything she had believed in, all that she held dear to her heart had come to a naught. Her quest for perfection itself had been a mirage.” A short story.

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On World Disability Day, Walking In The Steps Of The Visually Impaired. An Extraordinary Experience

A visually impaired woman helped me navigate when I tried walking with a blindfold in solidarity this World Disability Day. Respect!

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Virtual Banter [#ShortStory]

“To reinvent oneself, any place can be home. Pack your bags, follow life as it is calling you right now. Who knows what is in store?” A short story.

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Turning Point [#ShortStory]

“Unwilling at first, she understood that she had to bring courage from her innermost reserves and step out into the world, even if it meant working in a bank to feed her family.” A short story.

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I, The Salt Doll [#BookReview]

Yesteryear actress Vandana Mishra's memoir has been translated by Jerry Pinto as I, The Salt Doll, and tells the story of a strong woman facing her challenges.

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My Worth, My Measure [#ShortStory]

“But what is a person’s value? Who defines or measures that? Does it only exist to benefit someone?" A short story about self-worth.

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Not Just Religion, Science Needs To Take Its Fair Share Of The Blame For Gender Discrimination Too!

Those who put all blame for gender discrimination on religion forget to take into account the many ways science can be anti-women too. A balanced view.

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A Navaratri For My Daughter, A Navaratri That Truly Celebrates Women

Navaratri is meant to be a celebration of the female as the supreme power. Let's use it as an opportunity to raise questions about the stereotypes and ignorance that still occupy our lives.

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Occupy Navratri: A New And Meaningful Way To Celebrate Navratri In Your Home!

Traditional celebrations often propagate stereotypes. Occupy Navratri is a way of challenging stereotypes and creating awareness.

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A Family Of My Own [#ShortStory]

"I wish I had not gone searching for something that I felt was missing. Cause it wasn’t." Look for the freedom within yourself.

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What Freedom Really Meant! [#ShortStory]

Freedom, she had thought, was to be able to have fun whenever she wanted. Until she realized what freedom really meant! 

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Garrisoned Minds Throws A Spotlight On How Women In War Torn Areas Suffer Just For Being Women

Garrisoned Minds speaks of women who suffer specifically as women, when they live in strife torn regions. Sometimes for no direct fault of theirs.

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The Curious Case Of The Dog In The Rejected Marriage Proposal

Karishma Walia turned down a marriage proposal because the guy was unable to come to terms with the dog in her life. More power to her for speaking up about her choice.

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Girls Didn’t Cycle In Her Neighbourhood, But Biplabi Shrestha Didn’t Let That Deter Her From Learning At 34

Biplabi Shrestha speaks about her journey of learning cycling at 34 in a society that discouraged girls from cycling, an empowering and refreshing experience.

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Want Emergency Contraceptive Pills? Birth Control Rights In India Not As Simple As You Think!

Having free access to birth control methods is a question of healthcare and not about morality. Women should have reproductive and birth control rights in India. 

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Zarine’s Disgrace [#ShortStory]

"For the first time she was doing something for herself on her own. And she did not feel guilty." A short story about social autonomy.

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Hard Choices [#ShortStory]

Standing up to people you love needs more courage than standing up to others. And sometimes, hard choices need to be made for your self-esteem.

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Here Is What We Can Learn From The West About Caring For The Elderly

With longer life expectancies, both spouses working and no experience of caring for the elderly, what can we learn from the West to make it better for everyone? 

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“Chhota Bheem Is Strong And Chutki Tires Quickly” Do We Want To Give This Skewed Message To Our Children?

Teaching children about gender bias begins at home. It is the small things we do and say as parents, that gives rise to the culture of 'boys will be boys'!

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We MUST And SHOULD Be Flexible, But What About You, Dear Husband?

A married Indian woman is supposed to do all the adjustments for the sake of the marriage. What about the husband? Shouldn't he hold up his part of the deal?

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Waves [#ShortStory]

"The waves had claimed her." A story of love, loss, and grief that yet has a dreamlike quality.

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This Father’s Day I Decided Not To Have A Second Child With My Abusive Husband

We have relationship problems and my husband was abusive during my first pregnancy. So this Father's Day I have decided not to have another child with him.

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Dear Mumma, Have You Forgotten Why You Are My Superhero? [#ShortStory]

"You have given me the gift of independence, Mumma and I love you for that." A letter asking a mother to remember her own lessons, at a low point in life.

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To Be Or Not To Be [#ShortStory]

“We are women, Draupadi, of royal blood. We do not have the luxury of exercising our choices, our personal likes and dislikes." A fabulous modern retelling.

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My Husband Wants Me To Go Back To India As According To Him I Don’t Keep The Home Clean!

The work of a homemaker is never done. But this is not understood by many husbands who think their wife is idling away her time and having fun all day!

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Returning Home. May 2016 Muse Of The Month Winning Entry by Anindita Roy

'Their daughter, who had always been the centre of their world ever since she had come into their lives, was now blinded by some filthy substances.' May 2016 Muse of the Month.

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How I Crowdfunded My Learning Project, And What You Can Learn From It

Crowdfunding to study or learn is a very new concept; Aruna Raman who tried it out shares all her learnings with you.

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Making Social Change Need Not Always Be Grim Work, As UnGendered, A Stand-up Comedy Show Proves

Comedy can be a wonderful tool for social change. UnGendered, presented by Shenomics in Bangalore on 22nd May attempts just this.

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6 Myths People Harbor About Big Sized Girls. Winning Entry By Shuchi Singh Kalra For The KAARYAH Writing Contest

There are many stereotypes about plus sized women prevalent. Which of these 6 mythical stereotypes do you believe in?

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A Son Dispels The Stereotype Of Beauty. Winning Entry By Khyati Bheda Savla For The KAARYAH Writing Contest

Breaking stereotypes works best when it is done by those in a position of privilege. Here is a son breaking the stereotypes about how a mother should dress.

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No Outlaws In The Gender Galaxy Makes You Question Everything You Know About Gender [Book Review]

No Outlaws In The Gender Galaxy discusses how society fails all those who biologically do not identify as male or female in terms of social privilege.

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What About The Other Man In A Relationship?

The other woman usually faces criticism rather than empathy. What if there is the other man in a relationship with a married woman? What would his feelings be?

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Outdoor Photography In India For The Woman Who Loves To Walk

Outdoor photography in India does not always have to mean wildlife or landscapes of unusual beauty. Our cities offer plenty too.

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Subhashini Subramaniam’s BabyBerry App Is A Boon For Busy Parents Today

A chance experience as a busy parent who forgot about keeping track of her child's vaccinations led Subhashini Subramaniam to develop the BabyBerry app.

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Hellcats To The Rescue. Winning Entry By Kalyani Chidambaranathan For The #GoodwynTea Writing Contest

The burglars had thought it would be an easy target. But they hadn't realized what 'mere women' could do, if they joined forces! #TeaBagStrength winning entry.

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I Am Beautiful Because I Choose To Believe I Am. March 2016 Muse Of The Month Winning Entry By Jasmine Kaur

'Nature can choose how I look. But only I can choose what I can make of it.' A thoughtful piece that will make you introspect on your choices.

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Someone Please Kill Exams!

Exam stress - what is it about curriculums and exams that make slave-driving monsters out of us, usually reasonable adults and loving parents?

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Bicycle Dreaming – How Girls Cope When Excluded By Their Families In Important Decisions [Book Review]

In her book Bicycle Dreaming, Mridula Koshy tells the story of the dreams of a young girl of thirteen, who is baffled by her family's actions.

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How Anuradha Bajpai Founded A Startup That Lets You Exchange Books

Anuradha Bajpai wanted a place to connect with like-minded readers, so she co-founded Woodpie, a successful platform for book exchange.

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8 Tips For Moving Home With Your Children To The US

Moving home is especially difficult with a young family. Here are 8 tips that can help in a seamless move to the US with kids in tow.

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A Letter From The Other Woman To The Man Who Will Never Be Hers [#ShortStory]

The other woman. What about her feelings, her dreams, wishes, wants and needs? For isn't she a woman like every other woman, after all? 

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Normal, Yet Not So Normal. February 2016 Muse Of The Month Winning Entry By Vijayalakshmi N.

Yes, I was completely a normal girl, but did society see me as one? Or was my 'normal' always to be tainted by the 'fault' they thought I had? 

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How I Became The First South-Indian Christian Bride To Get Married In A Blood Red Wedding Gown

Why should the bride wear only white? I wanted to wear a blood red wedding gown at my wedding, and I did. Here is my story.

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An Open Letter From A Happily Married Woman, To All Marriage Jokes And Memes Out There

We routinely receive marriage jokes and memes that can be almost cruel in their gender stereotyping. Do they really define us and our marriages?

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Oh, Heartbreak! She Once Loved A Boy [Poem]

The experience of love can make you blossom in a million colours. On the other hand, heartbreak can be searing. But, can it be that the one who breaks your heart might also have his own private pain?

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Tossed About By Time. January 2016 Muse Of The Month Winning Entry By Priya Parul Singh

Whether in an arranged match or otherwise, heartbreak is never easy. Is it possible to find love again, even after being tossed about by time? The fifth winning entry for the Muse of the Month.

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Why Entrepreneurs Need To Understand The Value Of Design Thinking

Design thinking for entrepreneurs explained: Read on to know what it means to bring design into the heart of your business.

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Evolved Pawns. January 2016 Muse Of The Month Winning Entry By Jyothi Vinod

Life, growing up, can take strange directions, often led by our choices - the underdog and the top-dog might easily change places. The fourth winning entry for the Muse of the Month.

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8 Tips To Help Children Cope With Tragic News And Events

Children are exposed to very real violence, either in real life, as in the Peshawar attacks, or in news and images on media like the television. Here are 8 tips for parents to help their children deal with tragic news and events.

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Sarah: The Suppressed Anger Of The Pakistani Obedient Daughter

This short graphic novel, Sarah: The Suppressed Anger of the Pakistani Obedient Daughter, though from across the border, tells the story of an almost 18 girl who is aware of and resents the discrimination between her and her brother.

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A 14 Year Old Tells Us Why She Can Never Be Without A Book To Read

A 14 year old tells us in this piece how books have become the stuff of dreams for her, and how she can never be without a book.

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A 10 Year Old Who Became A Reader Despite Being Discouraged

A 10 year old talks about how she became a reader despite her parents not wanting her to waste time on books.

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The Myriad Of Emotions I Felt During My Divorce

The writer takes you on a courageous walk through her personal experience of divorce, from darkness to light.

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A 9 Year Old Tells Us Why Books Are His Best Friends Now

A 9 year old tells us in this sweet piece, how books became his best friends, despite a crippling eye affliction.

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4 Great Ways To Accessorise Stylishly With Indo Western Office Wear

Love wearing Indo Western office outfits to work? Here are some great accessories to team up with my last post on Indo Western wear for work.

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Here Are 6 Things My Husband And I Would Like To Tell Other New Parents

Advice for new parents can be a deluge! Yet, hearing the experiences of other new parents does help. Here are 6 super useful things to know.

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Add These 4 Indo Western Looks To Your Office Wear For Effortless Style

Tired of wearing formal shirts and trousers, or churidar-kurta combinations to work? These Indo Western looks for office wear are a nice change!

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How Dale Carnegie ‘Book’ed My Life

Here the writer describes how as a child books never interested her until one day, she found a book, that changed her life. Our fourth winning entry for December writing theme.

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Bajirao Mastani: Bhansali’s Dream, Just Short Of Brilliance [Movie Review]

Our movie reviewer Saumya Baijal says that Bajiroa Mastani is a must watch, if nothing, watch it for the world Sanjay Leela Bhansali delicately creates.

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Dear Dad, You’re Growing. (A Daughter Speaks)

A daughter speaks of her father's love for her, a love that is reciprocated, a love that can often be wordless, in evocative words that are poetry.

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15 Books You Must Read In These Christmas Holidays!

Haven't read many books this year? Looking for something to read in these Christmas holidays? Here's a list for you to choose from.

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A Girl Like No Other: Meet 8-Year-Old Mhonbeni Ezung The Youngest Recipient Of Bravery Awards 2015

Mhonbeni Ezung is the youngest recipient of the National Bravery Award this year – for a feat that is not only astonishing, but endearing as well.

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A Letter To My Son: The Shame Of Being An Over-Weight Woman In India

A mother writes a very moving letter to her son, on the shame society body shames a woman when it comes to her physicality. It begins from birth itself.

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Come As You Are : The Surprising New Science That Will Transform Your Sex Life [Book-Review]

Here is the review of 'Come As You Are,' that as the book itself says, will transform your sex life. Have a look.

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An Open Letter To A Much Younger Friend And Colleague Talking About Sexual Harassment

A woman writes a letter to her younger colleague opening up about the sexual harassment she faced in the streets, which she kept buried deep within her.

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May One Son At A Time, Know His Mother’s Struggle: A Letter To My Son

A mother writes a letter to her son, recounting her struggles of growing up as a woman. She rightly says that it begins right at birth.

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What happened? [Poem]

This November Women’s Web, with JustBooks, is running Book Talk, a writing theme where you get to write (read) about books that inspire us.

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Aunty From The Corner Of The Street Strikes Again!

The aunty from the corner of the street? The one who douses you with unsolicited advice every time you see her and whom if you are oblivious to only if you are living under a rock? She strikes again!

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A Children’s History of India [Book Review]

Our youngest reviewer Arya, reviews the book 'A Children's History of India,' and she says that you will definitely love history once you read this book.

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How Did You Manage It, Miss Havisham?

This October Women’s Web, with JustBooks, is running Book Talk, a writing theme where you get to write (read) about books that inspire you. Our third winning entry is unusual, quirky and delightful as ever!

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Divorced At 25: How I Rebuilt My Life And Triumphed

How to deal with divorce? The author pens a candid and courageous account of triumph and self-revelation.

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This Enterprising Entrepreneur Has Made Playtime Her Business!

Shalini Vij is the Founder of Hang Out, a chain of Family Entertainment centers in Delhi and Gurgaon. What drives her to follow her passion, despite health challenges? Find out!

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The Edge of Another World By Pepita Seth [Book Review]

Three women, three different countries, and a black dog. Pepita Seth's The Edge Of Another World links apparently disparate elements and combines them in a swathe of mystery.

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The Proposal [ Short Story]

Sometimes we have to live certain things all over again, maybe even after we are married, we got to begin with the proposal again.

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Toni Morrison’s The Bluest Eye And It’s Indian Relevance.

Though the protagonist of Toni Morrison's book 'The Bluest Eyes' was an African, yet it reflects the ethos of the Indian society which is our obsession to be fair and lovely!

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Wear A Saree And No One Will Rape You, They Said [Poem]

Society tells women to wear a Saree and be a good girl so that no one can rape you. But the truth is- dress has nothing to do with any form of sexual abuse.

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The Mare’s Trap: Nature and Culture in the Kama Sutra [Book Review]

In 'The Mare's Trap,' Wendy Doniger explores the Kamasutra looking at it in the context of texts from the same time period, like the Arthashastra and Manu’s doctrines.

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How To Deal With An Abusive Partner? Here Are 5 Ways #BearNoMore

How to deal with an abusive partner? The process might not be easy. But worth the effort. Here are 5 ways to deal with an abusive partner.

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8 Signs That You Are Living In An Abusive Relationship #BearNoMore

Here are 8 signs of an abusive relationship. Are you living in one? Maybe it's time, you make a choice to protect yourself.

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Nari: A Story About Sex, Relationships And Consent [Book-Review]

An unusual story of sexual abuse, Nari by Sharath Komarraju's explores the nuances of sex, relationships, and consent.

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Why I Will Encourage My Daughter To Play With A Dark Skinned Indian Doll

Is our obsession with fair skin related to our craving for all things Western and unconscious disdain for many things Indian?

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Aarushi [Book Review]

Who killed 14 year old Aarushi Talwar? The question continues as Journalist turned writer Avirook Sen tries to find an answer in his latest book, "Aarushi."

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The Revival Of A Woman [ Poem]

A poignant poem on the trial and tribulations of a woman, the journey through the standards of the society and finally the distant hope of the revival of a woman!

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The Old Gate: A Story of Surviving Betrayal

The blows from people we trust and love, are the hardest to bear, to survive. Yet, familial conflicts over money are all too common. Here's one such story.

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Walking Away From A Committed Relationship And How I Survived It

Walking away from a committed relationship brings in the guilt of leaving someone in pain. Surviving that guilt, itself is another story - a survivor's story.

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Crying On The Wedding Day : A Bride Recollects

Is crying on wedding day a must? A bride recollects!

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Jainee Gandhi: Stories From A Serial Entrepreneur Who Just Kept Going!

Image Management consultant and entrepreneur Jainee Gandhi shares an very candid account of her journey – ups and downs, joys and sorrows all.

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A Letter To My Father: A Relationship That Endures

A daughter writes a heartfelt letter to her father after he passes away. Read on!

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The Aunty From The Corner Of The Street

A new bride narrates how the aunties living on her street have a question about everything, from having a baby to her online status.

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When Women Invest In Women, Many Problems Find A Solution

Investing in social entrepreneurs with a focus on women and gender equality can help tackle poverty in many communities.

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How Do We Support Queer Boys & Men Who Face Harassment?

While most victims of sexual harassment are women, men who do not conform to stereotypically masculine traits also face it.

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Public Transport And Safety: A Checklist State Organisations Need To Look At

Street sexual harassment is not just a personal issue. We need governments at all levels to help prevent as well as report incidents.

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Building Intimacy In Marriage While Creating Balance

Building intimacy in marriage is not just about the physical; emotional intimacy happens as a result of respecting differences - while communicating what you need.

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A Father Of Three Girls Speaks Out: Let Us Not Detest Girls

The love and support that girls give their parents is no lesser than that boys do. It is time we stopped devaluing girls.

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Are You Sure? The One Question A Girl Who Is Harassed Doesn’t Need To Answer

If a girl or woman tells you that she was harassed, help her take action against the attacker. Don’t ask her how “sure” she is!

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The Life Story Of A Woman Scientist Who Started Her Career In The Sixties

Scientist Vijaya Sinha started her career in the sixties, at a time when female graduates in India were few. Her story inspires Indian women in science today.

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It’s Men Who Need To Take The Pledge Against Harassment

Can women be a part of public celebrations too? Yes, if men take a pledge against harassment!

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How Can Marriage Be A True Partnership? Let’s Look At Conflicts Differently

Conflict over gender roles often leads to deep unhappiness in relationships today. Should we just give up in despair, or are there ways to create a more harmonious partnership?

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How Long Will We Lock Up Girls To Keep Them “Safe” From Harassment?

Young girls often face their first experience of street harassment even before they can understand what is happening to them.

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Staying Quiet About Street Sexual Harassment Hurts Us In The Long Run

It is not always easy to speak up when we see sexual harassment happening in front of us. Yet, not speaking up hurts us in the long run.

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Day In The Life Of An Entrepreneur: Bhumika Anand, Bangalore Writers Workshop

Bhumika Anand, once a cubicle dweller, found her home at the Bangalore Writers Workshop (BWW). This is her story in the world of words.

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Shalini Singh Galvanise PR
There Is No Plan B For An Entrepreneur: Shalini Singh, Galvanise PR

Shalini Singh is the Founder of not one but two businesses – Galvanise PR and Speakers MIC. How does she do it? Listen to her story.

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Leaving Home With Half A Fridge [Book Review]

Leaving Home With Half a Fridge is the author's story. It takes the reader though the various aspects of a divorce and the journey involved.

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If You Don’t Stand Up For Yourself, You Can Stand Nowhere

We all make mistakes. We all miss a moment of courage. But how many of us revisit the moment and talk about it?

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Day In The Life Of An Entrepreneur: Malini Gowrishankar

Malini Gowrishankar is an Engineering graduate, a voice-over artist and a mom who now helps women hit the refresh button in their lives with F5 Escapes.

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Working With Crafts Is A Journey : Rashmi Singh, Moya

Rashmi Singh, an NID graduate deeply committed to the Indian craft heritage began Moya, as a way to bring innovative craft-based products to a discerning audience.

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What Research Reveals About Massage & Bathtime Rituals

Massage and bath time rituals help in bonding and enhance a child's sense of well-being. Here is more on the science behind the ritual.

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Merry Christmas

Relationships aren't easy, especially when they end. Here's a moment of moving on, captured warmly by this winning entry for our muse of the month contest!

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Cycle Of Change

Our lives are a cycle of change, and this winning entry for the Muse of the Month contest chronicles it beautifully.

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Laughing Till It Hurts: The Thin Line Between Being Funny And Being Sexist

What we laugh at says a lot about us, as well as the source of humour. Here's an exploration of the thin line between humour and sexism in stand-up comedy.

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Love is a blank canvas, and you're free to paint it with whatever colour you want, says this post!

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Love Through The Ages

Everything changes. Yet, nothing does. Here's a story to explain this paradox beautifully.

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In The Dark No More: A Letter From A Wife

Not all marriages are made in heaven. Some can be hellish, and one must try to break free. Here's an attempt, and hope.

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A Day, An Eternity

Most of us turn to a higher force for solace, for a patient ear, for a solution. Here's a look at the receiving end of our prayers and whining!

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The Listener

We're talking all the time, but are we really listening? Here's a beautiful glimpse into people and conversations.

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Pragati Srivastava
Entrepreneurship Is Not The Preserve of Big Metros Alone: Pragati Srivastava

Graphic Designer Pragati Asthana Srivastava takes us through her journey and her day, as a Technology Entrepreneur in Lucknow.

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The Match

Love and marriage are bound by no rules, contrary to public perception. Here is a warm story about choosing love.

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Writer’s Dilemma

Today, more than ever, needs writers who let their ideas run free, to inspire the world. Here is an ode to the writer's dilemma - to be or not to be free?

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Shweta Foulger
A Day In The Life Of An Entrepreneur: Shweta Foulger, Green OK Please

Shweta Foulger who has moved from running a blog on all things sustainable, to creating a business from it, Green OK Please talks about her life as an entrepreneur.

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The One

What happens when the past, present, and future dance together? This intricately woven story will make you wonder.

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I am, I am, I am [Poem]

Who am I? I am many things, and all things possible, says this lovely poem on the self.

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A Menstruation Kit With A Difference: Sadhvi Thukral [Interview]

A young innovator has designed a kit to make information available to blind women. We talk to Sadhvi Thukral about her menstruation kit, her inspiration, and her vision.

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The Perfect Husband

The wheel of this woman's life seems to have come to a standstill; an unusual event gets it moving again.

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Agony And Ecstasy

Sometimes, the wheel can only come full circle if we let it - if we are honest with ourselves and can face up to the truth of our own lives.

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Ferris Wheel

The wheel stops for no one - at least, no one who is still living. You just have to scramble along as best as you can.

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Call it karma or the wheel of time, it doesn't make an exception for anyone, says this story of a matriarch.

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A Day In The Life Of An Entrepreneur: Swaathi K, Skcript

Swaathi Kakarla is Co-Founder at Skscript, a start-up technology firm. But here's what's interesting - while a tech entrepreneur, she is still at college.

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On Indra Nooyi And The Trouble With Having It All

PepsiCo CEO Indra Nooyi has got a lot of press recently for her interview on why women can't have it all. A contrarian point of view.

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Creativity is not only a gift, but also a responsibility, says this writer, who talks about why she wants to tell her untold stories.

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The Rainbow

The writer tells the story. But equally, the story makes the writer. An interesting story on what each does for the other.

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Shadow Play [Book Review]

Shadow Play, by Shashi Deshpande, is a serene read about what makes people human - by exploring relationships, families, and the lives of women.

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The Retreat

Short and bittersweet, this story will set you thinking whether it is indeed the heart that makes the best choices!

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The Forbidden Meal

How precious is the meal that this grandmother prepares for her beloved granddaughter - made of so much more than the ingredients that go into it.

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God in every stone, by Kamila Shamsie
A God In Every Stone [Book Review]

Kamila Shamsie's new novel, A God In Every Stone, set in the Partition era has at its heart a quest for identity through archaeology.

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I Want To Return My Heart, Cried Robo The Robot

Can one be perfectly happy (or even happier!) without a silly heart to interfere with the workings of the crafty brain? Winner of May's Muse of the Month theme

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Move Over Sun And Give Me Some Sky, I’ve Got Some Wings And I’m Ready To Fly

Some journeys inspire you, some refresh you, and some are magical. This piece is about a woman's journey to independence, and what true freedom means to her.

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Support mothers on mothers day
This Mother’s Day, Make It Count For Maternal Health In India

Even as celebrate Mother's Day with flowers and cards, the state of maternal health in India is appalling. This Mother's Day, can we pledge to support mothers?

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5 Simple Ways To Create A Greener Wardrobe

An ecofriendly wardrobe does not mean dressing up in leaves! Fashion consultant Babita Jaishankar gives us tips on creating a green wardrobe.

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Myths about infertility
4 Common Myths About Infertility

As many couples find themselves having difficulty with conceiving a child, infertility is a problem that needs to be talked about more

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Who is a powerful woman
Does A Woman Need To Act ‘Masculine’ To Prove She Is ‘Powerful’?

We call a woman powerful when she does something that is traditionally 'masculine'. What does this say about Power and how we perceive it?

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One With The World

A woman who never felt the world belonged to her, decides to become one with the world.

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The Rant

When all the world seems to be conspiring against us, one little act of kindness can make the world seem a much more friendly place!

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Adam And Eve [Poem]

Even when the world was young, did Eve believe that the world was her own? This poem will set you thinking.

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Muse of the Month April 2014
The Condition Of Conditioning

The world expects us to be ambitious. We are ambitious. Is that why being a housewife feels like we are letting ourselves and everyone else down?

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A Woman's Body
A Woman’s Body [Poem]

When a woman learns to love her own body, she is one step closer to accepting herself fully.

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Professional Help? No, Thank You, We’re Asian!

South Asian families living in many parts of the world often support each other in tough times. But sometimes, we need additional help beyond the family.

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A tribute to Khushwant Singh
A Tribute To A Fearless Writer: Khushwant Singh

Khushwant Singh was a fearless writer, not just by profession, but in every sphere of his life. This inspiring writer's life leaves behind many lessons.

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A Day In The Life Of: Ally Matthan

Ally Matthan, the Founder of Areev, a brand of naturally derived Indian personal care products shares her day as an entrepreneur with us.

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Women Tech Makers Chennai
Come Join The Women Tech Makers

How can the biggest industry of this century have so few female engineers? Women Tech Makers is about getting together as women passionate about technology.

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Amul Butter Woman

Author Juliet Philip shares the story of how the Amul Butter woman shaped her teenage rebel feminist years

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Mother with breast cancer
My Mom, My Hero

Sharing the story of my mother's battle with breast cancer and determination to carry on living as normal.

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What I learnt from my child
Six Things I Have Learnt From My 3 Year Old

Six wonderful life lessons, learnt from a 3 year old child. In short: Enjoy life.

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Teaching boys no means no
When A No Is A Yes

Why do so many men believe that a No is a Yes? We need to start with teaching boys that a No means No.

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Taking The Beam Out Of Our Own Eye

Each time we accept all the markers of being a good woman, we accept that we are not equal.

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Grow Up, Dear Son, But With Your Heart In The Right Place

How is raising compassionate boys possible if we refuse to extend compassion to boys, if we don't allow them to cry?

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Girl becomes a woman
Girl, You’ll Be A Woman Soon

When does a girl become a woman? Why do we think only motherhood or a man's love makes her a woman?

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the perfect mother identity for women
The Divine Guilt Of Motherhood

Why does the guilt of motherhood occur? Mothers feel guilty because of the perfect mother stereotype we are expected to uphold

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Obsession with fair skin in Indian women
The Obsession With Fair Skinned Women

The obsession with fair skin for Indian women means women are judged first on their looks, and especially complexion

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Pushing For Change In Corporate India

Women in corporate India are not a rarity any longer, but the challenges faced by working women in India continue.

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gender discrimination in India
It Is Time We Stop Taking Such Blatant Gender Discrimination In India For Granted!

Gender discrimination in India is a reality that we need to recognize in the seemingly ordinary occurrences around us, and help root it out.

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child marriages India
The Reality Of Child Marriages In India

Child marriages in India are a reality that need us to work not only with adolescent girls but build support for them in the community and state.

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You Must Have Done Something Wrong

Rishi Verma is 29. He is a writer by profession, and by choice. To pay his bills, he works in advertising. To bring peace to his life, he writes fiction, strums the guitar tunelessly and reads like a maniac. Some of us remember Tobu Cycles and Campa Cola from our childhood. Memories of Mario and […]

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Blessed With A Girl

Reshma Gude is a software professional and mother to a young child. She blogs at Reshma Musings. Whenever my husband and I talked about having a baby, we always pictured it to be a little girl dressed in a pink frock with matching pick hair band and pink shoes. During my pregnancy, whenever anyone asked […]

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The Third Girl

Sakshi Nanda is a writer, with a past stint in the publishing industry. She says, “I love cooking ideas, and having them read even more!” She blogs at Between Write And Wrong. Not all of us are conceived in the hope of a boy. But I was. Most certainly I was. I felt it as […]

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What girls must not do
Bury The ‘MUST’ And ‘SHOULD NOT’s Please!

What girls must not do is a long list of rules that seem designed to keep them submissive and unquestioning!

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Indian women in danger
She Is In Danger

Indian women and girls are in grave danger, says Rakhee Ghelani, as part of the #GirlsROCK campaign

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Born A Second Girl Child

Being a second girl child in an Indian family is not easy; this daughter succeeded with the help of her supportive father.

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A Girl Who Wants To Read

Kiran Manral is a well-known blogger, and Author of The Reluctant Detective. She also runs India Helps, a group that began in the wake of the 26/11 terror attacks in Mumbai and helps organise support in such cases. She was a young girl, barely ten one presumed, but then this was a girl who survived […]

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teenagers and parents
HELP! There’s A Teenager In The House!

All those rules for parents and teenagers? Here's news from a mother: They don't work!

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Advice from mothers to mothers to be
Mothers, Be kinder To Us Mothers-to-be…Pretty Please!

Can well-meaning advice from mothers to mothers to be do more harm than good? What do you think?

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The One Which Cannot Be Named

Teaching children to know their bodies and name the private parts is essential to protect them from child abuse.

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Atheism and Indian women
The God Particle

Being a female atheist in India comes with its share of challenges, as women are expected to be the preservers of culture.

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Mom or Dad, who's your best friend?
Mom’s Ok, But Dad’s Great!

Who's better - mom or dad? A mom weighs in on the 'My Daddy Strongest' syndrome.

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Crimes against children
Death Of An Angel

An 8 year old child is killed in Bangalore, all because her father was not happy with her homework. Are we becoming a brutal nation?

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Do We Really Need Online Support Groups?

Can online support groups be of help to women? Sagarika Chakraborty shares her experience

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Letter to Raanjhana director
An Open Letter To Aanand Rai – Director Of Raanjhana

What was Aanand Rai, Director of Raanjhana thinking when he made a movie glorifying street sexual harassment?

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Women initiating sex
My Thoughts On Initiating Sex, As A Woman

Many Indian women still find initiating sex a challenge, since we are conditioned to appear timid and shy.

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Personality Development For Working Women In India
Personality Development Tips For Women: Get Ahead At Work

Get these 4 useful personality development tips if you want to present a more confident personality at work, and be rewarded.

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Health Tips for Women
A Pregnancy Survival Guide For Working Women

These special health tips for women focus on physical and emotional well-being during pregnancy. These fitness tips for working women will aid you at this crucial time.

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Beauty and women
Beauty – An Enigma Unresolved

Society's concept of beauty only serves to reinforce sexist beliefs and reduces the value and worth of women.

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choices of mothers
The Choices Of Mothers

Are the choices of mothers ever easy? Anshu shares her story of returning from a career break and helping other working women in India

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How to identify creepers
How To (Hopefully) Spot A Creeper

How can we identify and stop people who use their position in a group to indulge in abusive or unacceptable behaviour?

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My Teach India Journey

The Teach India experience - a volunteer shares what it was like to teach English to others from a under-privileged background

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Ford India ad and women in advertising
V For Violence Is(n’t) Funny

As the Ford India ads demonstrated, women in Indian advertising are often mere props, and even violence against women can be 'humour'.

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Loose Women & Other Urban Tales In India

Single women in India are still vulnerable to character assassination as "loose women" if they stand up for their rights.

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Thoughts on turning 30
Turning 30

Thoughts on turning 30 by a woman - on why 30 is a fantastic age.

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Working mothers
The Best Of Both Worlds

An Indian woman writes about handling the challenges of working mothers who want the best of both worlds.

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The Correct Age For Marriage

Is there really a correct age for marriage? Indian society dictates early marriage for women while ignoring women's career goals and aspirations.

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multitasking women
Invisible Multiple Arms

Working women in India make multitasking look easy, but lets not forget that they need family members to pitch in equally at home too.

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Know Your Consumer Rights

Know your consumer rights and be an aware, assertive customer. Here is how.

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Turning 35!

One Indian mom's reflections on turning 35 soon.

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Pregnancy Test
The Curse Of Newly-Wed Indian Women

Grow up, get married, have kids - why is the journey of life writ in stone for Indian women?

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Taking care of knees
When My Tongue Promised My Knee, She Would Take Care Of Her

Taking care of your knees gets harder as you age. In this amusing story, a woman's tongue comes to the rescue of her knees

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Boy child
The Voices Of Men

Do gender stereotypes silence the true voices of men too? On bringing up the boy child in India

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Indian Woman
The Behenji Phobia

If a woman doesn't want to dress up, and is happy being her natural self, why do we call her a behenji?

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Not Being A Rapist Is Not Enough

Serious about ending rape in India? Don't feel smug that you are not a rapist. Rape culture arises from how society views the role of women

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An Open Letter To All B/K/Tollywood Heroines

Guest Blogger Roopa Prabhakar describes herself as a a new mother, a working woman who believes her face is plastered on the glass ceiling, a closet feminist and writer. Some days back when Nirbhaya (God rest her soul!) was supposedly recuperating and had taken a turn for the better, I was listening to the radio on […]

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Finding CTO – Notes from Grace Hopper

Sairee Chahal is Co-Founder, Fleximoms. Fleximoms works towards creating, enhancing and co-creating workflex opportunities for women professionals. Co-founder, SAITA Consulting Pvt. Ltd, a management consulting firm focused on SMBs, member of the CII Committee on MSMEs, a visiting faculty at IIFT, New Delhi and mother of a 4-year-old, Sairee is your regular Fleximom. Follow her on […]

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In A Forest A Deer
There Are Many Stories In The Forest

A very fine contemporary feminist writer, Ambai's In a Forest, A Deer consists of the stories of women we all know.

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A Letter To The Neighborhood Aunty From The ‘Girls of these days’

A letter from the "girls of these days" - women's empowerment in India starts when you start treating us with respect and as adults.

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How Can An Individual Combat This Prevalent ‘Rape Culture’?

While we protest against the gang rape in Delhi, lets ask ourselves: as individuals, what can we do against rape culture?

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pro choice
Savita Halappanavar: The Math Is Ugly

Savita Halappanavar's needless death was caused because doctors interpreted the outdated abortion law in Ireland at its worst

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Marriages In India
The New-Age Husband: Does He Exist, And How!

A tongue- in-cheek look at the modern husband and the importance of wives in their lives!!

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Kaala (black) Matrimony.Com

India's obsession with fair skin begs the question, how do dark complexioned people ever get married?

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Breastfeeding days
Breastfeeding Diaries

Breastfeeding is best for the child, but is it easy? One Indian mom has a humourous account of her breastfeeding days.

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Paki, Paki!

Despite community initiatives, racism against UK Asians persists, including among young people who have absorbed the prejudices of those older.

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Gaslighting - Woman's Perspective
Gaslighting: An Indian Woman’s Perspective

What is gaslighting, and how an Indian woman often experiences it in subtle forms.

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sad woman
Why Me

When misfortune strikes, sometimes, asking 'why me' gets us no answer; reflections on a pregnancy that was not to be.

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Gas Lighting: A Feminist’s Perspective

What is Gaslighting? A feminist perspective on psychological abuse focused on making a victim doubt her own perception of reality

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Single Woman, North-Eastern, Not Alone

Makepeace Sitlhou, a young North Eastern origin woman shares her thoughts on her identity and her feelings after the recent exodus

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role of women
How Is The Changing Role Of Women In Indian Society Impacting Marriages?

The changing role of women in India today means that expectations have changed, and both women and men need to learn how to adapt in their relationships.  

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Girish_High Jump Athlete
Jumping Over Disability

Interview with Girish H.N. - the high jump athlete representing India at the Paralympics 2012 in London.

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Fairness: The Absolute Standard Of Beauty

The fairness craze in India shows no stopping, nor the market for fairness creams. Why do we buy into the craze for a fair complexion?

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Meena Artist Sunita
Mother To Daughter: Mandana Art

The Mandana art of Rajasthan, a unique women's art passed down from mother to daughter

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Bengaluru -The Great Indoors

What indoor activities does Bengaluru (Bangalore) for kids? Find out in this exhaustive list of children's activities in Bangalore!

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women in Bollywood
The New Bollywood Woman: How New?

Women in Bollywood seem to be getting to play bigger roles, but are female characters in Indian cinema really getting stronger?

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How to acquire new skills
Strong Desire + Necessity = Acquiring Skills

"How to acquire new skills" is a question of deep desire as much as necessity, says this aspiring entrepreneur

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Male child abuse in India
The Shocking Truth About Male Child Abuse

Despite awareness of child sexual abuse, many people think male child abuse does not occur!

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#CanWeTalkAboutThis?:Body Image

Body image among children takes a beating when parents stress that only some kinds of bodies are acceptable - The #CanWeTalkAboutThis campaign

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A widow in India
Why Didn’t Professor Bose Attend The Wedding?

Challenging the status of widows in India is not just a function of legislation - but something all of us can do.

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worshipping the goddess
Goddess Worship & Domestic Violence

Goddess worship is common in India - and so is domestic violence.

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In Pursuit Of Justice

The recent attack on a young woman in Guwahati is not an isolated incident, but part of a growing trend of moral policing of women

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Mothers and daughters
Art For The Girl Child

Artist Debapriya Gupta's Mothers and Daughters carries a plea to treasure and save the girl child in India

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In search of the ‘magic pill’

Will educating the girl child pave the road for women's empowerment in India? Can literacy improve the lives of poor Indian women?

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Asking The Stars For Health Advice

Is astrology real? Can the stars give you health advice? Dr. Lakshmi writes on the real damage to health that blind belief can do.

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Liberated…With Clauses

Women's liberation in India is still very selective, with daughters encouraged to be independent - but only before marriage

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Does A Drop Maketh The Sea?

Teaching your child honesty, while living in a corrupt world, is a scary proposition

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Cyber Affairs And Virtual Infidelity

When affairs are virtual - are they still 'real'? A look at virtual infidelity and what it means for relationships

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A Worshipper Of Goddesses

A poem on the man who worships many goddesses, but proves his masculinity by beating his wife

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Love And Life Behind The Purdah

Love And Life Behind The Purdah: Early Indian Women Writers covers a few remarkable books by from the 1900 – 1950 period.

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The High Caste Hindu Woman: Where Women Are Chattel

Written over a hundred years ago, Pandita Ramabai Sarasvati’s The High Caste Hindu Woman feels relevant even today.

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Prenatal Classes For Indian Moms

Prenatal classes for pregnant women are gaining popularity in India. How can they help the busy, expectant Indian moms of today?

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13 Lessons Before 30

Thirteen life lessons to learn before you celebrate your thirtieth birthday.

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What Does It Mean To Validate Feelings?

Ever heard of the concept of validating emotions? Learn more about how validating emotions helps you create more meaningful relationships

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An Unfinished Song: Swarnakumari Debi Ghosal Writes Of A Young Bengali Girl

An Unfinished Song by Swarnakumari Debi Ghosal revolves around a young Bengali girl in the process of discovering herself amidst a gradually changing India.

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Why We Hesitate To Express Feelings

We hesitate to express our emotions because we are afraid that our feelings may not be validated by others.

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Woman Or Superwoman?

If you are constantly scuttling between roles and have a fetish for being perfect in all your roles, you are a good candidate for the Superwoman title.

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We live in a world where we evaluate a woman based on her private life and both men and women are taught to address certain women as sluts or bad characters.

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My Home Shows Me The Way

A young woman writes poignantly of the passage of time - and what it means for our relationship the the place called 'Home'

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equity vs equality
Feminism Is About Equity, Not Just Equality, And That Is Where We Confuse Issues

Equity vs Equality. What is the real argument for feminism, to bring those marginalised at par with those always privileged?

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Changing The Male Mindset At Work

For the Indian career woman, navigating the male mindset at work can still be a challenge

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Ignorance is bliss – Question mark or Apostrophe!?

Are we confused by the increased choices we have in every area of life, or have they helped us?

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Managing An IT Career Transition

Careers for women: tips for managing a career transition for women at work, especially relevant to IT professionals but also for others

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Welcome Home Baby!

An adoptive mother says on how they convinced the extended family and built a loving family family through adoption

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A Veil Of Hypocrisy

As an Indian woman, do you feel the pressure from a "cut-off date" for marriage and motherhood?

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When Is Foster Care Ok?

Is Norway child services right in removing these young Indian children from the care of their parents?

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Do Indian Laws Protect Women?

Do Indian laws protect women? Are they gender sensitive? So I thought, till a quick reading of the Indian Penal Code, 1860 quickly changed my opinion.

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Spread The Fragrance: Mahak

Help Mahak, a school for the girl children of daily wage labourers in Madhya Pradesh

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letting go
Letting Go

'Big school' may be a new phase for the children, but with every new phase, it is the parents who have to learn to let go.

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Dr Gita Arjun
10 Tips To A Healthy Pregnancy

Following the Passport To A Healthy Pregnancy contest, noted obstetrician and gynaecologist Dr. Gita Arjun shares her tips for a healthy pregnancy

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packed and moving
Who Moved My Mirror?

How do you decide what to take when relocating cities or moving house?

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Three Indian Women: Fearful Symmetries

While it is difficult for women who face violence to speak out in real life, it is indeed quite possible to use literature as the abused women's voice.

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5 Things I Learnt While Working Abroad

Reading Aparna’s article on Indian women working abroad, I thought of sharing a few lessons I learnt while working abroad, more from a personal angle. Having worked in a handful of countries, I must say that on the whole I enjoyed the experience. But being a single woman in an alien country does come with its […]

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How I Found My Happiness

Every rescued dog has a tale and here is mine. I m Princess, I m good natured, fun loving and a well behaved dalmador, and after many adventures in my life and now that I have finally settled in my new home (hope it will be my last), I decided to blog and write down […]

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Back to School

Summer vacations are over and it is back to business for all the kids. After enjoying the summer holidays and the lazy afternoons, kids get ready to start their next academic year. It was lovely to see the kids in my apartment complex in their shiny new uniforms and bags and lunch boxes – some […]

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Overcoming Gender Stereotypes

Unless you had been living under a rock the past one week, you must have heard about the Canadian couple who have decided to raise their child genderless. They have not revealed the gender of their third child and this news has been making waves all over the internet. While I do not agree with […]

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I am Woman, head held high

Guest Blogger Lavanya Sampath is a young working mum, an Indian living abroad, a budding entrepreneur and a singer. Music, arts and photography are her passion. In her own words, “I jot down my personal & professional experiences to reach out to women in similar situations.” I had two hours yesterday when my toddler snoozed […]

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Pyaar Ke Rang (First Cut) by Swarathma for Bell Bajao!

Bell Bajao!, the mass media cum grassroots campaign by Breakthrough took the country by a ‘rigga ding dong’ storm with its simplistic, catchy and effective method to interrupt domestic violence in their PSA advertisements, that won the Silver Lion in the Cannes Advertising Awards in 2010. Inspired by these ads, several have rung the bell […]

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SALE – 50% off!!

Guest Blogger Lavanya Sampath is a young working mum, an Indian living abroad, a budding entrepreneur and a singer. Music, arts and photography are her passion. In her own words, “I jot down my personal & professional experiences to reach out to women in similar situations.” It is a bright, crispy morning as I cross […]

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Lisbeth Salander: No Giving Up

This entry by Ankita Prasad won 2nd place at the Women’s Web My Favourite Female contest. Ankita lives in Bangalore and reads and travels a lot. In between the reading and the travelling, she manages to earn her living by writing code at a software company. My favorite female fictional character is Lisbeth Salander of […]

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Gender Violence: We need Collective Action

This is a guest post by Nandini Shanmugam and Sweta Narayan, Volunteers with the Prajnya Trust, a Chennai-based non-profit centre for research, public education and networking on issues relating to peace, justice and security. Go here to know more about their campaign to end Gender Violence.  The deathly silence observed by a family next to her […]

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Anne Inspiring Heroine

Popular and articulate parenting blogger Starry won second prize at the Women’s Web My Favourite Female Contest with this entry. She blogs at Things do not change…until we change. The first character I recalled when I saw the Women s Web Favourite Females contest announcement was Anne Shirley/Blythe. Hmm , I thought. That s a children s series, and […]

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Mma Ramotswe: An Old And Welcome Friend

Amodini Sharma is a writer/movie critic and blogs at the Review Room and Amodini’s Movie Reviews. This post of hers won the first prize at the Women’s Web My Favourite Female Contest. I ve written about the  The No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency before. Reading it is like eating comfort food. This series features Precious Ramotswe, a […]

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Shadow Princess

Well-paced and well-written, Indu Sundaresan's Shadow Princess is a historical novel set in the Mughal period, and told through a woman’s perspective.

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Feminism, Hypocrisy And Some Doubts

I get these moments, when I am glad that I did not commit myself to feminism, because it kills me with conflict. Morality and its relationship with feminism is well known. It’s usually based on morality that the strongest shackles are tied on to women. Social pressure on what is moral and what is not, […]

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Domestic Abuse And The Immigrant Woman

Indian immigrant women in the US are often heavily dependant on spouses and have nowhere to go in the case of domestic violence.

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The Great Depression Of The 40s

Review of Rupa Gulab's 'The Great Depression of the 40s'; toyboys, mid-life crisis and happy endings - bring on the 40s!

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Getting Back to School

The end of summer signals the advent of the monsoons and the start of a new academic year at school. I remember I used to hate going back to school after 2 months of fun-filled holidays. Getting back to the regular school routine after an idyllic summer holiday is a difficult transition in most households. […]

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Moving Abroad? It’s Not Easy But Here’s How To Make It Less Stressful

Many Indian women plan on moving abroad after marriage. Some tips to deal with the challenges and problems of women living abroad.

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