Manju Nambiar

Manju Nambiar hails from the southern state of Kerala, India. A computer engineer by profession, she now works in one of the leading firms in San Jose, California where she lives with her husband and daughter. Her hobbies include reading, hiking, playing with her daughter and catching up on the latest technologies and trends in the Valley. "My work is mostly reflections on the society with a satirical flavor. The characters in my book are people you can easily connect to and have met all your lives. I try to make the read entertaining, light and pleasant. To me, writing is a medium to spread comfort, positivity and good humor."

Voice of Manju Nambiar

Premalu Movie Review
Premalu Movie Review

We watched the Malayalam Movie “Premalu” in the theater last evening. It was a pleasant watch, had good humor and we enjoyed every scene for the entire length of the movie. It was also nostalgic for me as it brought back my old memories of living by myself in an apartment with friends, working for […]

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Hridayam: Breaking The Common Stereotypes Of Malayalam Movies!

It was inspiring to watch Hridayam portray how studying, working hard and accomplishing goals make one genuinely happy from within.

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I Come From An India Where…

I come from an India where the value of a soul lies in Karma and Sanskar & where the value of a person lies in the make of his car...

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Happy Women’s Day – Be The Light That Shines The World!

Let the world not celebrate women only on Women's Day..let this celebration continue until there is no need to have a "Women's Day".

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law of attraction
When The Universe Conspired To Get Me What I So Longed For

Many of us know about the Law of Attraction, but how many of us follow it to get what we really want? I experienced this one day when everything had gone wrong in the week before.

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If I Had Got The Power To Change Something In The History Of India…

If I had a time machine to travel back in time and change something in the history of India, what would it be?

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think positive
3 Things I Did To Train My Kindergartener To Think Positive

My 5 year old always looked at the negative side of things, in the process, stressing herself and me out. But I came up with a plan to make her think positive. And it worked!

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women's harassment
#MeToo Has Created Awareness Of Sexual Crimes. Now It Is The Government’s Turn Take Concrete Action

#MeToo has been a great social movement for awareness. Now the ball is in the government's court to take concrete action against women's harassment.

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puja room
When My Mom’s Visit Heralded A Different ‘Puja Room’ For My American Friend Nancy

My mom thought she was teaching others about the importance of prayer and a puja room, but she ended up learning something else instead!

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Read ‘My Story’ By Kamala Das Before Watching The Movie Aami Based On This Feminist Classic [#BookReview]

Considered ahead of its times, Kamala Das's My Story is a feminist classic. The author's quest for love and fulfilment is relatable even today.

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prospective bride
Don’t They Respect Her Opinion About The Prospective Bride For Her Son? [#TrueStory]

The 'boy' was perfect for my cousin Neha. But Neha wasn't convinced that this was the right family for her to marry into. Why did the prospective bride refuse?

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retaining our identity
What, Really, Are We Teaching Our Daughters (And Sons) About Gender Equality?

What do we Indian women do for retaining our identity after marriage? Why, for example, are we so prompt to change our names and claim our in laws' place as our hometown?

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