Muse Of The Month
Our monthly writing theme, with a 'writing cue' inspired by an iconic female author. 5 best entries get published each month!
My Daughter Will Not Grow Up And Wonder Why Her Mom Stayed Back In A Broken Marriage

Men will be men and sometimes they make mistakes, but it doesn’t mean that they will not return to you. I waited for your dad because I knew that ultimately, he would always choose his family.

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There Will Never Be The Silence Of This Lamb

I take his hand in mine and rub the back of his palm with my thumb, a gesture he has always enjoyed. Not today. Because he recoils.

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Proud To Be Your Daughter, Ma! Yours, Chinmayee

Now I am about to enter an unknown terrain Ma, and I feel only you will understand the fear, the joy, the nervousness.. these waves of overwhelming emotions washing over me...

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The Unknown Face Of My Mother

In a society obsessed with bloodlines and family ties, inherited traits and nature versus nurture, however, it was just a matter of time before this rickety house of cards collapsed around me.

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This MIL DIL Madness Stops With Us; We Break The Chain

“Bhabhi worked before marriage, Ma. You insisted on her leaving her job. I’m not like you, I can’t think like you. That reminds me, Karthik seems to be free now, it’s his turn to mop the floor today. Bye."

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Was There More Of Her Mother In Her Than She Had Thought?

It was her mother's lack of drive and ambition that was responsible for the limited canvas of her life, she had decided early on.

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