Muse Of The Month
Our monthly writing theme, with a 'writing cue' inspired by an iconic female author. 5 best entries get published each month!
Her Passion… Dormant No More!

Those were foolish dreams. What good can come from leaving a monthly paying job to pursue something so irrationally unstable?

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Your Dreams Are Mine, Daughter, And The Future Belongs To Us!

As she combed Sitara’s hair and helped her put on her nightdress, Akira found herself staring right at her own childhood.

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Simply The Wrong Gender

The University rules only said that "any person with the required qualifications" would be admitted to study, the term 'woman' was not specifically included.

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Just One Among HIS Many Devadasis

They fought pretty strongly Bhairavi, looks like, in less than a month, this Devdasi custom will be totally abolished, you will be free forever.

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You Heard Their Voice In Faraway America, Didn’t You?

Anne was puzzled; almost disappointed. From the media reports, she had expected loud protests, speeches booming and thunderous rebellion, with leaders and motivators.

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For I Know It Is As Difficult For My Mom As It Is For Me

I don’t know how long I stood there, perhaps ten minutes, being jostled by the crowd. Panic set in. I shook like a leaf. My ears rang. My heart thumped. Mom! I need you.

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