Muse Of The Month
Our monthly writing theme, with a 'writing cue' inspired by an iconic female author. 5 best entries get published each month!
Would This Reminder Of That Innocent Day Never Leave Her?

Even if she floundered, she needed to know she had failed on her terms, after doing the best she could.

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Bad Mother

I swear there are days when I want to be rid of this crying infant. I want my life to go back to what it was before her. I want normal! 

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Will All Our Sacrifices Be In Vain?

To the world I may be Dr. Anandi Joshi. But it would please me immensely if you could call me Yamuna. It is the name that I was given at birth.

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Where Fears Crash And Drown Me

The string of nerves stretched very thin very quickly and she knew she could not function if it kept on. Her phobia needed to be treated.

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I Waited To Leave Once The Time Was Right

I could not ask everyone how and why I am expected to take it as normal, that 'men stray'. But I did. I spent a few more years here, silent and dead inside. 

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After All That, My Daughter Was The Game Changer

She was not a conventional beauty. Her defiance and fiery temperament was deemed unsuitable for their family. The conditions laid down by her were totally unacceptable.

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