Muse Of The Month
Our monthly writing theme, with a 'writing cue' inspired by an iconic female author. 5 best entries get published each month!
It Isn’t My Fault I Have AIDS! Why Should I Hide?

Initially she had found it depressing, but gradually she realized the difference that the clinic was making in the lives of the patients, many of whom were women.

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I Will Survive; I Will Thrive

Kamla tai had thought of hanging up her boots and relaxing. But life, her nemesis, still unfatigued and untired, had decided a to twist the knife in deeper, this time.

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A Matter Of Life And Death

At night when she would cry into her pillows, 21 year old Vishnu would bring  flowers and bangles to bring the smile back on her face. The sight of tears in his beautiful bride's eyes would break his heart.

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But That Day She, And She Only, Had Been My Saviour

I had tried everything possible but nothing seemed to please her. I decided to let it go and keep my pride intact. I would go about my duties keeping out of her way. I guess the feeling was mutual.

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For I Am But A Stranger To Her, Though We May Be Sisters From Another Life…

She steadies me and looks at me with a thousand-yard-stare that looks into my soul. Then she stands up and in front of me, protecting me with her body.

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Her Father’s Daughter, Stranger No More

I didn’t know I had a sister halfway across the world. And since I’ve known, I’ve wanted to meet you and hired a detective to help me find you.

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