Muse Of The Month
Our monthly writing theme, with a 'writing cue' inspired by an iconic female author. 5 best entries get published each month!
You Can’t Get Rid Of Me So Easily, I’ll Always Find My Way Back!

"Remember, I work only to fund my dreams. As for the Amma bit, she doesn’t know and let’s keep it like that for now. I’ll keep you posted of my whereabouts and you know I’ll be back before you know. I’ll always find my way back to you, sweets,” her voice trailed.

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#MuseOfTheMonth Cue For November 2018: I’ll Always Find My Way Back
November 2018 Muse of the Month

Read the prompt, put on your writer’s hat, and tell us a story that passes the Bechdel Test, for the Muse of the Month, November 2018.  In 2017, we had a very successful Muse of the Month series that culminated in an ebook that you can buy here (titled When Women Speak Up!) with the top […]

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And Then Came The Real Wedding Gift, Putting Her Mind To Rest

Both were approaching thirty, were well settled in their professions, loved being with each other and hence they saw no reason to delay their wedding. And both intended to go for Mission Mount Everest soon. This time together.

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When Your Dreams End, Nightmares Begin…

But what caught her attention was a the small girl sitting in shadows at bottom most corner of the page. Her hands were tied with handcuffs as paints lay all around her…

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What The Goddesses Dreamt Up, Let No Women Cast Asunder!

"We can only give them the inspiration and the ideas. Whether to act or not is up to the free will of the humans. So many times I have given people the urge to act, and they have overruled me.”

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Because I Wanted To Find Out What I Could Do With MY Dreams…

Was it the wine or my heady emotions, I wasn’t sure, but I could sense that she somehow knew what was coming. Fear crept in me. Did she knew it all along? Even when we were best friends at school?

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