Muse Of The Month
Our monthly writing theme, with a 'writing cue' inspired by an iconic female author. 5 best entries get published each month!
Let Me Paint A Rainbow In The Sky, One Step At A Time

Who would have thought Aai, that petite homebody, could be so relentless. She was the unlikeliest of feminists, let alone be a gay right champion.

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#MuseOfTheMonth Cue For September 2018: “Paint The Sky, Make It Yours”
Muse of the month September 2018

Read the prompt, put on your writer’s hat, and tell us a story that passes the Bechdel Test, for the Muse of the Month, September 2018. 

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But The Ideology Needs To Live On…

In the name of search, women are groped and molested. Even lactating mothers are not spared. They are told to prove about breastfeeding their toddlers by baring their breasts.

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Don’t Resuscitate My Mother, She Needs To Go

There lying in the middle of myriad tubes and buzzing machines, was someone who looked like Ma but didn't seem at all to be the mother she knew.

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The League Of Ordinary Women

"People forget that older women are full persons who have their own hopes, wants and desires. You keep telling us that what we are doing is extraordinary, but to us this is routine. We don’t know how else to be.”

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The Girl Who Lived

They had also found, that the mother had undone her seatbelt and wrapped herself around Mia’s head and upper body, taking the full impact on herself, letting Mia survive, with relatively less serious injuries.  Our Muse of the Month series this year focus on stories that pass the Bechdel test, and are written on inspiration […]

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