Muse Of The Month
Our monthly writing theme, with a 'writing cue' inspired by an iconic female author. 5 best entries get published each month!
Neerja. Be Inspired And Write For Our Muse Of The Month September 2017

Neerja. A real life story of extraordinary bravery. Use our cue from it to write your story for Muse of the Month September 2017.

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A Beginning [#Poetry]
a beginning

The neckline always too deep, the skirt was always too short, the timeline was rigid, school, college, career mattered not...

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The Nudge [#ShortStory]
the nudge

I am thinking I will really go to this meet. And I will speak. Not merely to have a good time or to network. But because I really think it is essential that I should speak about it.

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Broken [#ShortStory]

Is it possible? I had daydreamed about it but realized had never really believed I would do it. Yes, I was not in my conservative little hometown anymore. But still…

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A Matter Of Style [#ShortStory]
a matter of style

I would rather be judged on this potential than the clothes I wear. Nonetheless, if you believe that my clothes decide my work ethic and performance, I respectfully excuse myself from this trip.

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VDay – The D Day Conference [#ShortStory]

They were stupendous and they could make their own destiny! They didn’t need anyone else to do it for them. Their happiness lay in their hands.

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