कोरोना वायरस के प्रकोप में, हम औरतें कैसे, इस मुश्किल का सामना करते हुए भी, एक दूसरे का समर्थन कर सकती हैं? जानने के लिए चेक करें हमारी स्पेशल फीड!
Saumya Baijal, is a writer in both English and Hindi. Her stories, poems and articles have been published on Jankipul.com, India Cultural Forum, The Silhouette Magazine, Feminism in India, Drunk Monkeys, Writer’s Asylum, Women's Web among several others. She is also a recipient of the Orangle Flower Awards, for hindi writing. Her writings reflect her personal & political thought processes, and question existing ideas of set definitions. She trains in Kathak, co-runs her street theatre group, Aatish, and is an Advertising Professional with over 10 years of experience working across the largest worldwide advertising networks. An avid film lover, she writes on cinema. She has been a guest lecturer at Lady Irwin College and has been invited by Jamia Millia Islamia & Central Insitute of Education for talks & lectures around Gender, cinema and popular culture. She enjoys reading, lecturing, decoding fashion and developing her personal style & signature on everything she attempts. A film snob, you can find her in closeted in her home, watching Guru Dutt’s films, again and again and again, and, again.
ये समाज जहां एक ओर औरत को देवी मान कर पूजता है, वहीं दूसरी ओर, यही समाज उसी औरत की दुर्दशा का ज़िम्मेदार भी है। ऊपर से, दुर्भाग्य यह है कि इन मसलों को सिर्फ एक राजनैतिक मुद्दा बना कर शोर मचाया जा रहा है।
अपना ईमेल पता दर्ज करें - हर हफ्ते हम आपको दिलचस्प लेख भेजेंगे!
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