कोरोना वायरस के प्रकोप में, हम औरतें कैसे, इस मुश्किल का सामना करते हुए भी, एक दूसरे का समर्थन कर सकती हैं? जानने के लिए चेक करें हमारी स्पेशल फीड!
Do you get excited about how feminism is changing the world (and don’t get all heated up talking about feminazis, or any other nazis for that matter? We’re really bored of the argument that women with a cause need to calm down.) Are you weirdly into social media, and know what people are going to be talking about before they know it themselves? Can you really, really write? (And by this, we also mean you really want to write, more than anything else). Are you really good at making things happen on time? Do you love cats on the Internet? Ok, wait, that’s not a requirement, but a team can always use some cool cats.
The point is, we’re looking for you!
Here are the internships we have open right now. (Our internships are open to students as well as women on a career break). Read closely before applying.
(1) Social Media internship
(2) Writing/Editing internship
अपना ईमेल पता दर्ज करें - हर हफ्ते हम आपको दिलचस्प लेख भेजेंगे!
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