Do You Know That Child Abuse Also Affects The Nation Financially? Yes, Read On

Child abuse is a grave issue in our country, yet it is never openly spoken about. The innocent, nurturing childhood of the abused is destroyed for someone's few moments of pleasure or power.

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6 Simple Tricks To Get Your Fussy Kid To Eat Without Losing Your Mind!
fussy eater

How do you cope with the mealtime struggles with your kids which can become a full blown battle at time? A little creativity can help.

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Watch Out! My Baby Has Started To Crawl!
baby crawling

Babies can be magical when they start to move on their own and explore the world around. But it also means that they are in danger, and you need to make it safe for them.

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Why Did I Go Back To Get My Kid’s Bottle Even Though I Was Exhausted?

"Those are my mementos, my reminders of this beautiful time, and I don’t want to lose a single one of those," says this young mother of her baby's things.

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Juhi Sharma & Her Volunteers Are Changing How Underprivileged Delhi Kids Handle Emotions
Juhi Sharma

Juhi Sharma of Light Up, Emotions Matter Foundation, along with her young volunteers, addresses the feelings of Delhi street kids, to nip bullying and other negative behaviour in the bud.

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Have You Given Your Children The Gift Of Free Thought?
free thought

Khalil Gibran has famously said, "You may give them your love but not your thoughts, for they have their own thoughts." Do you recognise this and let your kids think and make decisions for themselves?

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