I’m A Fighter, Maa. And I Will Not Let You Down!

“So that story which you always tell me is true, right? You’ve always told me my story! No wonder I feel so connected to that girl whenever you talk about her…”

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She Hated Math, But Nambikkai Mary Miss Made Her Fall In Love With The Subject

Math classes were troublesome but she ended up majoring in it at college. An inspiring teacher changed the course of her life, writes Anupama Venkatesh. 

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Why Money Management Is The Greatest Skill That You Can Teach Your Child

Among all the things we teach our kids, one of the most important for their future is money management. This should ideally begin early, to ingrain good money habits. A lot of the decisions that we make in our everyday lives and the characteristics we display find their roots in our childhood. Every individual falls […]

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5 Amazing Teachers I Know Who Care For Their Students’ Feelings Before Everything Else
emotional needs of children

5 teachers choose to go beyond the curriculum and the four walls of the classroom to meet the emotional needs of children. They believe the only way to reach the mind of students is through their heart.

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I Considered Her A Friend, But She And Her Family Used Me For Entertainment

When I was 8 years old, I was traumatised by an incident in which I was very badly treated by the family of a girl I considered a friend.

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I Called Out An Old School ‘Friend’ When I Realised He Was Molesting A Child

An old school friend was sexually abusing a little boy right in front of me, and I called him out, because we should have zero tolerance for this.

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