Dear Survivor 1
Dear Survivor, If Your Rage Helps You Deal With Your Pain, So Be It!

No one else gets to decide forgiveness on your behalf. No one else gets to tell you how to process your trauma. No one gets to police what you say or how you say it, or what you do.

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Farewell, My Love; My Heart Bewails Your Loss!

There's an accident and one of a couple is dead. How will they bear the loss of what once was?

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5 Things Nobody Tells You About Your Grief When You Lose Your Parent
when you lose your parent

When you lose your parent, it leaves a huge hole in your life. But you have to deal with your grief. Here's what you should know.

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A Few Good Men: Why Irrfan Khan’s Loss Feels So Personal To So Many
tribute to Irrfan Khan

He was one of the few good men, and he is gone too soon. Rest in peace, Irrfan Khan – you are missed deeply, especially by women, whose lives he showed a great deal of sensitivity to.

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I Lost My Dad Just Before Lockdown, And I’m Worried About Mom Far Away And Alone…

This lockdown happened soon after my father passed away. And now my mother is alone in India in her grief, and us far away, back in the US, leaving me seriously worried for her.

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When You Meet Someone Who’s Grieving, Being Yourself Matters More Than The Colour You Wear!

Wearing white (or black) when we commiserate with someone in their grief is just a man-made convention. Being with them matters more than what you wear!

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