Social Issues
Let’s Celebrate Women’s Day Differently

If women start charging money for the work they already do at home without expecting anything in return, they can earn a really good salary!

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Why Do Courts Need To Educate Us Even In 2024 That A Man’s Chromosomes Decide Child’s Gender, Not Woman’s?!

It is shameful that in today's world too, women are abused and even killed for giving birth to a girl, and the infant's life is also of no value.

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I’m Doing My Bit To Invest In Women For The Better… What About You?

The theme for IWD 2024 is 'Invest in Women: Accelerate Progress'. Are you doing your part in this big picture?

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How Dare You Waste My Son’s Money?!

My friend had to just finish the last year of her MBA, but her MIL would neither let her do that, nor earn, and have no say in money matters.

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These Senseless Indian Student Deaths Overseas In Recent Times Make Me Wonder…
Indian student deaths in US

Indian students dream of studying abroad, but these deaths and the racism we feel ask the question - are we travelling there to only lose our lives?

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When Rape Of Women In War Zones Is Used As A Weapon To Truly Destroy A Population

Rape is treated as a weapon, a military strategy to humiliate and demoralise the men of the conquered community, the ‘perceived enemy’, because when “your women” are conquered the “war is won”.

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